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1936 On the Continent

1936 On the Continent

Titel: 1936 On the Continent Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Eugene Fodor
Vom Netzwerk:
try the Central Station, tasteful and good, frequented by city men; Berlingske Tidende Club, open to non-members; Brasilko in Østergade, and others. For a cheap snack some of the dairies, Maelkerier.
    At Frederiksberg, with the pleasant gardens, try Lorry’s, where under one roof you have an old-style restaurant, cabaret, night club (Guldaldersalen) and café with entertainment, where all join in the choruses—in fact a variety for all tastes, but only one Lorry’s.
    At Klampenborg, up the coast, see the Dyrehavsbakke in summer with café, clowns, sideshows, dancing, in the sylvan deer park scene.
    To any of the above places, with the exception of the night clubs, ladies can go alone. Certain Vesterbro cabarets they will avoid. Tourist agencies run night tours which ladies can well join to see the chief amusement places.
    On a summer’s day take strawberries at Jordbaerkelder, wines at Ungarsk Vinhus (Hungarian), both near Helligaandskirken (church); tea at D’Angleterre—in winter in the Palm Garden; a meal at lovely Langelinie Yacht Pavilion, perhaps early breakfast or late dinner on the terrace as the yachts go by.
    At Brønnums, Kongens Nytorv, get a glimpse of the theatre stars at lunch or at Dagmar (Vestre Boulevard) for coffee. In the little cafés off Nyhavn see the artists. Here there is dancing sometimes but—
Theatre, Opera, Ballet, Concerts
    In summer a number of theatres close but some movies, the well-known circus, and at Tivoli a hint of the ballet and fine concerts are always with us. For grand opera, serious theatre and ballet, come from September, when the Royal, the State Theatre and Opera House in Copenhagen, is open. In opera hear the new favourite Marius Jacobsen, Wiedemann, Else Brems, Tenna Frederiksen; at the play the fine Else Schouboe, Reumert and his beautiful wife, recently at Dagmar Theatre, Johannes Poulsen and the indomitable Bodil Ipsen who played Noel Coward’s “Madam” and has just had her twenty-five years’ jubilee. Who too will forget Fru Liva’s elusive smile? Those who understand Danish see some Ibsen, if possible, at the Royal, his first home and one that still gives its character to Ibsen productions everywhere. And for a really Danish evening when the whole house rocks, though an English foreigner may feel out of it, there is still the popular old Holberg comedy. Like most Danish undertakings the theatre keeps well in touch with contemporary thought, and Copenhagen nearly always has a play or two from Berlin, London, Paris or Stockholm, to be repeated if successful in the provinces.
    But for something that a foreigner will love and can find nowhere else quite the same in all Europe, then go to the Copenhagen ballet at the Royal, where the old ballet of Italy and France lives on exquisitely preserved, but by the genius and beauty of Danish dancers, now Madam Ulla Poulsen and others, brought once more to life. Nowhere else is ballet quite such an institution or with so many regular performers as in Copenhagen. Here it has its own school for quite young children. Daughters of the aristocracy take lessons from its teachers. Royal theatre and opera performers are regular servants of the State and have a definite position in Danish society.
    Besides the Royal there are Dagmar Theatre, generally for modern plays, Det Nye Teater, Folketeatret, Casinofor popular and musical, Apolo and Lorry’s for revue, and the great Betty Nansen with her own Betty Nansen Theatre.
    Prices are cheaper than in London, and on People’s Days at the Royal you can see the best productions and performers for as little even as 6d.
    No foreigner need feel lonely in Denmark. Social opportunities abound. In Copenhagen and other towns there are clubs for all kinds of sport and games, bridge, chess, fencing, etc. Visitors desiring to take part in any such should communicate with the Tourist Society (see page 549), who will advise. There are practically no gentlemen’s clubs like the English.
Useful Copenhagen Addresses
    British Club, Niels Juelsgade 3 (membership required).
    Danish-British Association, Vesterport and English Debating Society (meetings mostly in winter).
    Students’ English Club, Studenterforeningen, V. Boulevard.
    Y.M.C.A. (K.F.U.M.), Copenhagen, Rosenborggade 15 and Y.W.C.A. (K.F.U.K.), St. Kannikestraede 19 (also in most towns).
    Frequented by British visitors and business men are:
    D’Angleterre, Palads, Berlingske, Tidende Club, Grand

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