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1936 On the Continent

1936 On the Continent

Titel: 1936 On the Continent Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Eugene Fodor
Vom Netzwerk:
frequent services in country districts. Summer tourist cars do the principal sights from Copenhagen, etc., inexpensively.
    Every Dane is said to be born with a bicycle. From Prime Minister to housewife everyone pedals along, and has for years now quite happily used the special bicycle paths about which in England bicyclists at present sound so touchy. Chief roads often have separate tracks for cars, horsemen, bicyclists (marked “Cyklesti”), and pedestrians. A bicycle is an ideal means of seeing the gently undulating Danish country. Youth hostels are frequent—some 130 open May 1st to September 15th. For bicyclist and hiker the excellent Vandrelaug (Ramblers’ Guild), Emdrupvej 20, Copenhagen Ø, gives information and arranges outings Membership, 3.25 kr. (about 3s.). If Denmark has no dizzy heights to scale there are peaceful ways through the grey-green temples of beechwoods and along the coasts. Who, too, can forget in Denmark against the blue Baltic those purple lines of plough?
    The Danish Tourist Society publishes a yearly list of hotels and boarding-houses throughout Denmark,including many excellent inexpensive, up-to-date, though not palatial places.
    Usual terms are per room, all meals extra; or sometimes an inclusive charge. Tipping generally included on the bill; otherwise give 10 per cent. or on amounts below 1 kr. 15 per cent.
    Some well-known hotels and centres where English is generally spoken:
    D’Angleterre (7 to 18 kr. single room) in Kongens Nytorv, where come princes and diplomats, but where at the same time the ordinary mortal can enjoy a pleasant dinner at 4.50 kr. and dance in the beloved Palm Garden (Palmehave).
    Near the chief traffic centre Raadhuspladsen (Town Hall Square) and Central Station:
    Palads (5.50 to 16 kr.)—large, popular with big business men and farmers.
    Astoria, in the functionalist style (5.50 to 8 kr.).
    Terminus (6 to 15 kr.)—quiet, exclusive, for the people who know, said never to forget a visitor.
    Missionshotel (2.50 to 3.50 kr.)—Christian hospices in various parts of the town.
Ladies’ Hotels
    Damehotel (4 to 5.50 kr.), Gammel Mønt 1. Delightfully cosy rooms. Only breakfast served (light), but good restaurants and shops next door. The Principal, Miss de Neergaard of a well-known Danish family, speaks English.
    Frederiksgades Hotel, Frederiksgade 21.
    Boarding-houses (Pensionater), 2.50 to 6 kr., may not receive guests for less than eight days. Terms from 130 kr. per month. Lukus, Nørreallé, is popular and modern. Many others. An English lady, Mrs. Koefoed, 132, Jagersborgallé, Gentofte, makes one or two guests very comfortable at her pleasant villa in the lovely Gentofte suburb, near the Deer Park (Dyrehave). Trams, trains to city: Terms: 7 kr. daily inclusive.
Near Copenhagen
    The Danish Riviera north of Copenhagen, beautiful with its beechwoods and calm waters opposite the Swedish coast, abounds in hotels and boarding-houses.
    Well known are:
    Bellevue (4 to 8 kr.), a tram ride from the city. Here on summer evenings the gay Copenhageners come to dance. Bathing, golf near.
    Marienlyst (4 to 9 kr.). June 5 to August 31. 44 km. north of Copenhagen, near Elsinore and Hamlet’s Kronborg, a ferry’s run from Sweden. Luxurious and gay, popular for big club festivals. The nearest approach to a casino in Denmark, tennis, golf, bathing, dancing.
Jutland Bathing and Health Resorts
    Fanø Island. Denmark’s summer playground with miles of splendid sands and bathing, large international-styled summer hotels amongst the dunes. Kurhotel (5 to 12 kr.), June to September only. Kongen af Danmark (5 to 8 kr.).
    Skagen (The Skaw). Try not to miss Skagen with the Danish holiday atmosphere unlike anywhere else—all sea, light and air, a sahara of dunes and sands, and in the North Sea and Cattegat, always wrangling, the ghost of old Vikings still astir. Here flock the artists, the King to his modest villa, and all fashionable Denmark to gay yet cosy hotels. Out at the point is the large Grenen Hotel (June to September 1st), 5 to 14 kr., whilst many others cater for all tastes.
    Silkeborg, with its lakes, forests, heather hills, a charming little health and holiday resort near Aarhus. Come in late summer or autumn, Hotels, etc., abound from Hotel Dania, not large, but with modern conveniences (2.50 to 7 kr.), to the more modest Turist Hotel (1.50 kr.). Vejle on the lovely forest-clad Vejle Fjord. From all Denmark I have known

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