911 - Der Tag, die Angst, die Folgen
240, 244, 246f., 249
al-Sadr, Moqtada 243
al-Shehhi, Marwan 31f., 37, 40, 43
al-Turabi, Hasan 62
al-Zawahiri, Ayman 53, 58, 62, 71
Alwan, Rafid A. («Curveball») 115
Armey, Richard K. (Dick) 108
Armitage, Richard L. 84, 100
Ashcroft, John D. 84, 138, 173–175, 180, 195, 210
Atef, Mohammed (Abu Hafs al-Masri) 40, 43, 71, 90
Atta, Mohammed 31–34, 37, 40–43, 82, 111
Aust, Stefan 32
Ayatollah Chomeini
Chomeini, Ruhollah M.
Balkenende, Jan P. 245
Barber, Benjamin R. 13
Beaver, Diane 201
Berger, Sandy (Samuel R.) 76
Bin al-Schibh, Ramsi 32, 37, 40–42, 44, 98
Bin Laden, Mohammed 48
Bin Laden, Osama 12, 36, 39–43, 47–51, 56–78, 81, 83, 90, 123f., 213, 217
Bin Laden Unit 76
Black, Charles 160
Black Muslims 52
Blair, Tony (Anthony Ch. L.) 101–107, 109, 116
Blix, Hans M. 114
Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University 240
Boumedien, Lakhdar 212, 214
Brzezinski, Zbigniew K. 55f., 63
Bundesnachrichtendienst 115
Bureau of Intelligence and Research 112, 137
Bush, George H. W. 105, 122, 133, 150
Bush, George W. 9, 13f., 24f., 47, 78, 81–88, 90–93, 99–108, 110f., 113f., 116–120, 122–124, 126, 128–131, 134–136, 138–142, 150, 159, 163–168, 173, 175–177, 180f., 190, 193, 195f., 209, 212, 214, 218f., 223f., 230, 236
Bybee, Jay S. 179, 182f., 185
Byrd, Robert C. 162
Campbell, Alastair J. 101
Caproni, Valerie E. 175
Card, Andrew H. 107, 140, 173f. Cartrain 80
Carter, Jimmy (James) 55f., 159
Central Command 88, 100, 204, 209, 237f.
Chalabi, Ahmad 123, 137
Cheney, Richard B. (Dick) 23–25, 84, 90, 93, 99, 101, 107f., 110, 113f., 120, 122–125, 129, 132–138, 140f., 154f., 163–165, 173, 178, 195, 230
Chomeini, Ruhollah M. (Ayatollah Chomeini) 54
CIA 9, 31, 38f., 44, 47, 76, 82, 88, 90, 94, 101, 109–112, 115, 123f., 136f., 153, 159, 164, 178, 181, 185, 195–197, 200f., 204, 210, 215, 221, 223f., 241
Clark, Tom C. 9
Clarke, Richard A. 10, 44, 82f.
Clinton, Bill (William J.) 38, 48, 67, 72, 76, 78, 121f., 150
Clinton, Hillary D. Rodham 9
Comey, James B. 174
Committee on Foreign Relations 167
Counter-Terrorist Intelligence Center 196
Criminal Investigative Task Force 187
Alwan, Rafid A. Danner, Mark 169
Darby, Joseph M. 209
Delta Force 204
Demokratische Partei (USA) 132, 169, 241
Derschowitz, Alan M. 217
District of Columbia Air National Guard 25
DOLK 115
Doolittle, James H. 153
Dostum, A. Rashid 63, 89, 95f.
Dunlavey, Michael E. 186
Ehrenberg, John 10
Eisenhower, Dwight D. 24, 153
El-Masri, Khaled 197
England, Lynndie R. 205f.
Erweckungsräte 243
Fallujah-Brigade 238
FBI 31, 39, 44f., 119, 174f., 190, 202, 221, 228
Federal Reserve Bank 166
Feith, Douglas J. 121, 136, 187, 191, 209
Fischer, Joschka (Joseph M.) 117
Flanigan, Timothy E. 138
Fleischer, L. Ari 84
Ford, Gerald R. 133f., 159
Franks, Tommy R. 88, 100, 103, 128
Fredman, Jonathan M. 201
Front Islamique du Salut (FIS) 52
Frost, David P. 154
Fulbright, J. William 168
Gartenberg, Jim (James M.) 26
Gellman, Barton D. 10
George Washington University 10
Gestapo 126
Ghaus, Mohammed 65
Goldsmith, Jack L. 173f., 185, 210
Goldwater, Barry M. 169
Gonzales, Alberto R. 138, 173–175, 179–181, 217
Graham, Lindsey 164
Graner, Charles, Jr. 206
Greenberg, Karen J. 10
GRU 136
Guantanamo 10, 165, 181, 185–187, 189f., 192–194, 196f., 201–203, 208, 211–215, 221f.
Hadley, Stephen J. 111
Hamas 51
Hamdan, Salim A. 166, 212–214
Hamdi, Yaser E. 212–214
Hamilton, Alexander 145, 156
Hanjour, Hani 31f., 41
Haqqani, Jalaluddin 58, 246
Harkat-ul-Ansar 70, 72
Harriman, W. Averell 158
Hassemer, Winfried 235
Haynes, William J. 179, 187, 189–191
Hedges, Chris (Christopher L.) 240
Hekmatyar, Gulbuddin 58, 63, 246
Hersh, Seymor M. 10, 14, 159, 205
Hill, James T. 186
Hitler, Adolf 126, 157f., 217
Hoepner, Nathan 208
Hofstadter, Richard 169
Holder, Eric H. 222
Hughes, Karen Parfitt 84
Hussein, Saddam 56, 60, 75, 82, 99, 101, 103, 105, 107f., 111, 113f., 116f., 119–124, 126–128, 135–137, 168, 203, 205, 237f., 241
Ibn Abd al-Wahhab, Mohammed 49
Ignatieff, Michael G. 217
Internationaler Währungsfonds 238
Internationales Rotes Kreuz 197, 201, 209, 223
Irakischer Nationalrat 123, 137
Iraq Task Force 115
ISAF 96, 98, 245
ISI 56, 70, 90, 98
Islamische Vereinigung 52, 57, 69
Jarrah, Ziad S. 31–33, 37, 40f.
Jemaah Islamiah 8
Johannes Paul II. 38
John-Birch-Society 169
Johnson, Lyndon B. 158, 167,
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