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A Malazan Book of the Fallen Collection 2

A Malazan Book of the Fallen Collection 2

Titel: A Malazan Book of the Fallen Collection 2 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Steven Erikson
Vom Netzwerk:
clutching in his hands the small rag of tattered cloth on which something had been written. The alchemist had done all he could to return life to what had been a mostly destroyed, desiccated body, and Baruk's talents had been stretched to their limits – there was no doubt of that.
    She knew of him, of course. They all did. They all knew, as well, where he had come from.
    He spoke not a word. Had not since the resurrection. No physical flaw kept him from finding his voice, Baruk had insisted.
    The Imperial Historian had fallen silent. No-one knew why.
    She sighed.
    The grand opening of K'rul's Bar was a disaster. Tables waited, empty, forlorn in the massive main chamber. Paran, Spindle, Blend, Antsy, Mallet and Bluepearl sat at the one nearest the blazing hearth, barely managing a word among them. Nearby was the only other occupied table, at which sat Kruppe, Murillio and Coll.
    And that's it. Gods, we're finished. We should never have listened to Antsy . . .
    The front door swung open.
    Picker looked over hopefully. But it was only Baruk.
    The High Alchemist paused within the antechamber, then slowly made his way forward to where the other Daru sat.
    'Dearest friend of honourable Kruppe! Baruk, stalwart champion of Darujhistan, could you ask for better company this night? Here, yes, at this very table! Kruppe was astonishing his companions – and indeed, these grim-faced ex-soldiers next to us – with his extraordinary account of Kruppe and this tavern's namesake, conspiring to fashion a new world.'
    'Is the tale done, then?' Baruk asked as he approached.
    'Just, but Kruppe would be delighted to—'
    'Excellent. I'll hear it some other time, I suppose.' The High Alchemist glanced over at Duiker, but the Imperial Historian had not so much as even looked up. Head still bowed, eyes fixed on the cloth in his hands. Baruk sighed. 'Picker, have you mulled wine?'
    'Aye, sir,' she said. 'Behind you, beside the hearth.'
    Antsy reached for the clay jug, rose to pour Baruk a cup.
    'All right,' Picker said in a loud voice, walking over. 'So, this is it. Fine. The fire's warm enough, we've drunk enough, and I for one am ready for some stories to be told – no, not you, Kruppe. We've heard yours. Now, Baruk here, and Coll and Murillio for that matter, might be interested in the tale of the final taking of Coral.'
    Coll slowly leaned forward. 'So, you'll finally talk, will you? It's about time, Picker.'
    'Not me,' she replied. 'Not to start, anyway. Captain? Refill your cup, sir, and weave us a tale.'
    The man grimaced, then shook his head. 'I'd like to, Picker.'
    'Too close,' Spindle grumbled, nodding and turning away.
    'Hood's breath, what a miserable bunch!'
    'Sure,' Spindle snapped, 'a story to break our hearts all over again! What's the value in that?'
    A rough, broken voice replied, 'There is value.'
    Everyone fell silent, turned to Duiker.
    The Imperial Historian had looked up, was studying them with dark eyes. 'Value. Yes. I think, much value. But not yours, soldiers. Not yet. Too soon for you. Too soon.'
    'Perhaps,' Baruk murmured, 'perhaps you are right in that. We ask too much—'
    'Of them. Yes.' The old man looked down once more at the cloth in his hands.
    The silence stretched.
    Duiker made no move.
    Picker began to turn back to her companions – when the man began speaking. 'Very well, permit me, if you will, on this night. To break your hearts once more. This is the story of the Chain of Dogs. Of Coltaine of the Crow Clan, newly come Fist to the 7th Army ...'
    This ends the Third Tale of the
Malazan Book of the Fallen

    Pannion Seer: the political and spiritual leader of the Domin
    Septarch: ruler of one of seven districts in Domin (also commands armies)
    Urdo: commander of elite heavy infantry (Urdomen)
    Urdomen: elite heavy infantry, fanatical followers of the Seer
    Seerdomin: fanatical bodyguard and assassin sect of the Domin
    Betaklites: medium infantry
    Beklites: regular infantry (also known as the Hundred Thousand)
    Betrullid: light cavalry
    Betakullid: medium cavalry
    Scalandi: skirmishers
    Desandi: sappers
    Tenescowri: the peasant army
    The Grey Swords: a mercenary cult hired to defend against the Pannion Domin
    The Mask Council: High Priests of the Fourteen Ascendants represented in Capustan
    The Gidrath: soldiers serving the fourteen temples
    The Capanthall: Capustan's city garrison, under command of Prince Jelarkan
    The Coralessian Company:

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