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Angels of Darkness

Titel: Angels of Darkness Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
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heart. “He asked to be Made, and she refused him! Now he is an old man taking his last breaths, and hurting every instant.”
    Noel didn’t know how angels picked those who were to be Made, but he’d been part of Raphael’s senior guard long enough to understand that there was a level of biological compatibility involved. From everything he’d witnessed of Nimra and Fen’s relationship, it was clear the angel would’ve Made Fen if she’d been able. “Does your father know you feel this way?” he asked, rubbing his thumb over the smooth green surface of the leaf in his hand.
    Her face twisted into a mask of rage. “He adores her—as far as he’s concerned, the bitch can do no wrong. He doesn’t even blame her for the fact that he’s dying! He told me that there are things I don’t know! That was his justification for her.”
    It was impossible not to pity the pain that had driven Amariyah to such an abhorrent act, but it didn’t in any way lessen her crime or his anger. “And the Midnight?”
    â€œI didn’t do anything at midnight.” A scathing response. “I gave the cat the meat just after dawn. There, you have your confession. Take me to the one who holds your leash.”
    The dig had no impact. Unlike Amariyah, Noel knew who he was, and, though Nimra might disagree, he understood that even an angel could not stand alone. Raphael had his Seven. Nimra would have Noel. For, secrets or not, he was becoming ever more convinced that what he saw was the truth, Nimra’s cruel reputation the cleverest of illusions.
    Instead of taking Fen’s daughter to the private wing, he put her in the downstairs library and—seeing Christian—asked him to make sure she remained there.
    â€œDo I look like your servant?” A glacial question.
    â€œNow’s not the time, Christian.”
    The angel’s shrewd eyes narrowed before he nodded. “I’ll keep watch.”
    N imra shook her head in stunned disbelief when Noel told her the identity of the perpetrator. “I knew she was a little resentful, but never would I have believed her capable of such.”
    â€œI’m convinced she had nothing to do with the Midnight,” Noel continued in a pragmatic tone, but in his eyes she saw the cutting edge of blackest anger. “She seemed genuinely confused when I mentioned it.”
    Ice, bleak and cold, invaded her veins. “So I have two who hate me in my court—it puts my ability to read my people in the spotlight, does it not?”
    â€œThis court has a heart that is missing in most.” Fierce words from her wolf. “Don’t let those of Amariyah and her ilk steal what you’ve built here.” He held out a hand.
    And waited.
    I can never appear weak.
    Still, she reached out and slid her hand into the rough warmth of his own, wanting to feel “human,” if only for a bare few instants, before she had to become a monster. His fingers curled around her own, a small act of possession. She wondered if he sought to press a claim now, when she could not accept it, but he released her hand the instant they hit the hallways where they might encounter others, watching with eyes of keen blue as she became Nimra the ruler once more.
    â€œDoes Fen know?” she asked, wanting no such pain for her friend.
    â€œI didn’t tell him.”
    Nimra nodded. “Good.”
    Neither one of them spoke again until they walked into the library, Christian exchanging a stiff nod with Noel before the other angel left. Closing the doors, Noel stood with his back to them while she walked across the floor to face a sullen Amariyah where she stood in front of the unused fireplace set with pinecones and dried flowers. Violet’s hand at work.
    The vampire spoke before Nimra could say a word, her tone defiant. “My father had nothing to do with it.”
    â€œYour loyalty to Fen does you credit,” Nimra said, making sure her voice betrayed nothing, “but this is one act I can’t forgive, not even for him.” She had no intention of being cruel, but neither could she be merciful. Because a vampire like Amariyah would see in that mercy a weakness, one that would incite her to ever more depraved acts. “You took a life, Amariyah. A small life, a tiny light, but a life nonetheless.”
    Amariyah’s hands fisted in the sides of her diaphanous gown,

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