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Titel: Bullheaded Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Catt Ford
Vom Netzwerk:
bring him down. No bull could seem to get the better of him.
    “Then Cody fell into one of the most spectacular buckoff streaks I’ve ever seen. He blew thirty-four straight rides, although some were during exhibition events. There were lots of missed opportunities to score big and show off his talent, but he never seemed able to convert. Then just as suddenly as it started, and for no good reason we can see, he started winning again.
    “Now we’ll get to see just what this cowboy is made of, how tough a man he can be. He’s taken plenty of hard hits in his career, but none as hard as this slump he’s just been through. Will he step up and get that gold buckle he’s been chasing, or will he be carried out with dirt on his face and an empty belt?
    “Cody is a man who likes to live dangerously. There’s no doubt the field of bulls is deeper this year than it’s ever been. These bulls are tough, they are big, and they are the meanest ones around. If Cody can put a string of good rides together the way he has the past five weeks, that buckle is as good as his, unless it all goes bad. And when Cody Grainger lets it go bad, it goes bad in a spectacular way.”
    Speaking out of one corner of his mouth, Dub said, “A man can’t even get his name cussed with you around even when you’re in a slump. Whether you’re winning or losing, you’re the headliner, but don’t start believing your own hype.”
    Standing next to him on the ramp, Cody responded, “I wonder if he knows I can hear him. Maybe eventually he’ll get over my shortcomings and mention you’re riding really well.”
    The ring announcer went on. “And then there’s Cody’s friend Dub Whittaker, who’s hoping to make that one million-dollar payday his. He’s been riding in the top ten consistently most of the year and currently holds the number-three spot on the leaderboard. When he looks back over his shoulder, I bet there’s no one he wants to see less than Cody Grainger catching up to him. Some folks are saying when Cody Grainger finally retires, Dub will be the one to carry on his legacy. The two men are close friends and travel partners, so maybe some of that greatness has rubbed off on him.”
    Cody caught Dub’s eye and the two men laughed companionably at this.
    “I sure hope some of your greatness rubbed off on me. I deserve a reward after what you put me through this year,” Dub groaned. “If you don’t retire after winning this, I may have to kill you to get you out of my way.”
    “You can try.” Cody patted Dub’s back as the two men filed down the ramp with the other riders and went behind the gate.

    “J OHN - NY ! John-ny! John-ny!”
    The chanting of his name made him turn and search the stands. From the high-pitched squeal, he knew it wasn’t Cody, unless he’d gotten kicked bad where it hurt most.
    Reese pointed up into the stands. “Looks like we’ll have to change over from calling you the skinny one to the cute one.”
    A group of girls were shouting to him, holding up handmade signs with his name and a bunch of hearts drawn in hot-pink markers. When they saw Johnny looking, they screamed in excitement.
    Reese’s blow between his shoulders made Johnny stagger a step forward. “Go on, wave back at your fan club. Make them all happy for a night.”
    Tentatively, Johnny raised his hand and waved. The screaming cranked up a notch and Vern came up to join them.
    “Do I have to remind you we’ve got a job to do here, boys? And what did I tell you about ogling the girls in the stands, Johnny?” His voice was stern, but a tiny smile cracked the usual granite of his face.
    Reese laughed at the relief on Johnny’s face as he turned away. “You got it wrong, Vern. They’re ogling him. He seems a little spooked. Our Johnny’s a bit shy with the ladies, boss. Guess you don’t got to worry about him busting loose.”
    “No, you don’t,” Johnny said fervently. “Those girls are scarier than an angry bull.”
    “At least when a bull chases after you, you know he’s not looking for a relationship,” Vern said. “Just keep clear of the women and you’ll do okay.”
    “Yes, sir!” It was ironic to know he had orders to stay away from women. If anyone asked, he could always blame Vern.
    “Looks like someone’s happy you made it to the finals,” Reese said. “Been a while since they were calling out my name.” He sighed dramatically.
    “Okay boys, here we go. Round one,” Vern said.

    “C ODY ,

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