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Titel: Bullheaded Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Catt Ford
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rider to come into sight.
    “There you are,” Cody said. He swung down from the horse and wrapped the reins loosely around the sagging top rail.
    “Here I am. Your dad asked me to take care of this,” Johnny said, moving the reins to a section that was intact.
    “It takes so much time to keep up with it. When the ranch is mine, it’ll all be replaced with barbed wire,” Cody said.
    Feeling a little stung by Cody saying “mine” even though he had a perfect right to, Johnny said, “Barbed wire scratches hides. Wood is better.”
    “Barbed wire keeps the deer out better. We don’t need them feeding on our grass.” Cody took the hammer from Johnny’s hand. “Let me help you so we get done quicker.”
    “Thanks, I’ve got it. I was just finishing up.” Johnny grabbed for the hammer but Cody swung it away with a joking laugh.
    “You’re too careful, like dad.” Cody picked up a rail and beat on one end to force the other into the slot.
    “Hey! Your dad asked me to do it and I’m going to get it done right.” Johnny wrestled the hammer out of his hand. “You pounded the shit out of this. It lasts a lot longer if you fit it properly to begin with.”
    Cody stared at him. “What’s got into you? The quicker we finish the quicker we can go back and fool around a little. The kids are gone now. We can swing from the chandeliers if we want.”
    “Well, go on ahead of me and start swinging. I’m going to fix this first.” Johnny couldn’t help but grin at Cody’s pout. “Besides, I’m driving. I’ll beat you back before that old nag can carry your ass down the hill.”
    “We’ll see about that!” Cody swung himself onto the gelding’s back and made him rear. “I’ll be waiting for you. Naked! And the last one back bottoms!”
    Then he kicked the horse’s ribs and took off.
    Watching the horse bound into the trees, Johnny shook his head. “Everything doesn’t have to be a fucking contest. Maybe I like being on the bottom.” He went back to work, deliberately removing the rail Cody had ruined and tossing it onto the bed of the truck. When Davis saw it, he’d know exactly what happened, but it could still be salvaged for a shorter section elsewhere. Taking his time, Johnny fitted the last rails to his satisfaction and packed the tools away in the toolbox.
    Sliding behind the wheel, even he had to wonder if maybe he’d taken it slower than necessary simply because he needed a little time off from Cody. But that couldn’t be it. His cock was twitching thinking about Cody waiting for him naked on the bed. He put the truck into gear and rolled.

    W HEN Johnny walked in, the first thing he saw was Cody lying naked on the bed, every line and contour of his body perfect, tight, muscular. Cody was stroking his cock, showing off the length and hardness, a cocky little smile playing over his lips. Damn him. He knew how desirable he looked. Anger flared within Johnny at the confident way Cody assumed he would always get what he wanted, whether he used force or charm. His own urge for sex seemed to wither in the face of what he saw as another surrender in a long line of them.
    Being in love was suddenly too much for Johnny. It felt like a heavy chain he was dragging behind him, and he needed to shatter it if he couldn’t just slip it off quietly or he’d never get away. Never be free. No matter how much he wanted to rip his clothes off and let Cody do what he wanted with him.
    He stopped just inside the door. He couldn’t touch Cody now. If he did, he would be lost.
    “Like what you see?”
    Somehow every word sounded like a taunt, as though Cody was challenging him to defy him.
    “Don’t you want this big cock? You want it in your mouth, in your ass. You want me to fuck you, don’t you? This is what you’ve been waiting for. You know I’m going to fuck you with this big dick and you’re going to like it.”
    “You’re not that big.”
    Watching Cody’s erection wilt, his hand falter, the wounded, unbelieving expression on his face, Johnny took cruel satisfaction in finally striking back, hurting Cody the way he was hurting inside. Being heard.
    Apparently Cody couldn’t believe he meant it. As Johnny watched, the grin came back and his cock grew hard in his hand again. “Do you want it or not? You want it, I know it. I can see it in your face. Beg me for it.”
    “Oh yes, sir. I want your mighty cock. Shall I kneel down here and service you? Or would you rather I bow down and put

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