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Dr Jew

Dr Jew

Titel: Dr Jew Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Robert Crayola
Vom Netzwerk:
I'll come get Lise tonight around eight."
    "Fine, fine. Can I give you something for what ails you? I am a doctor, you know."
    "No, no, just need some fresh air. Thank you, Dr. Jew."
    "The pleasure is all mine, Sergio. All mine."


    When the Music 's Over:
    The Last Interview of Philip K. Glassdick
    by Alger Obert

    The tragic death of Philip K. Glassdick has left a gaping hole in the musical landscape of Hollywood, as well as the world of popular music. More than being the greatest musical light of our times, Glassdick was also a close friend of mine. I was fortunate enough to speak with him in San Francisco just days before his death, where we discussed Swine Trek , the forthcoming Swine-AIDS epic of director Sergio Simpatico. Had I known it was our last talk together, I would have said so much more. So much. Goodbye, old chum.
    Alger Obert: Philip, you old dog, you look great!
    Philip K. Glassdick: [laughter] Thanks, Rog. You're looking interesting yourself.
    Obert : [laughter] How so?
    Glassdick: Hey, are we here to talk about me, or you?
    Obert : [laughter] Alright, good point. Yes. So tell me about this film.
    Glassdick: I mean, yeah. It's another Simpatico –
    Obert : Nice Nazis?
    Glassdick: What? N… no. At least, as far as I know, it's not connected to those films.
    Obert : But it is about Swine-AIDS? That wouldn't be hard to link to Anne Frank and the Nazis.
    Glassdick: I think they're all dead. They died before Swine-AIDS even surfaced.
    Obert : As far as we know. But if there's a will there's a way. Just look at me. If Sergio wants to connect this new film to the franchise –
    Glassdick: He doesn't.
    Obert : Doesn't he care about his fans?
    Glassdick: Now you're just poking me.
    Obert : [laughter] Alright, alright. Tell you what, I'll cut this out of the interview. Let's start again.
    Glassdick: Thanks.
    [ I only include the above for historical purposes. – A.O. ]
    Obert : Okay, so tell me… how's life, Philip?
    Philip: [laughter] That's how you start our interview?
    Obert : You can't laugh right away or it'll be obvious we've been talking a while and people will email asking why I didn't include that in the interview.
    Glassdick: Alright. Let's start again.
    Obert : Alright. So Philip, what's life like these days?
    Glassdick: Life is awesome, Alger.
    Obert : [laughter]
    Glassdick: [laughter]
    Obert : [laughter]
    Glassdick: [laughter]
    Obert : People are going to think we did this interview high.
    Glassdick: That's cool. You smoke?
    Obert : In my former life. My breathing device can't really handle smoke.
    Glassdick: Brownie?
    Obert : I've never been one to refuse food.
    Glassdick: Good man.
    [ Glassdick asked his girlfriend to get a brownie and she returned and set it before me. He waited while I chewed it and sent it down the tube to my digestive unit. – A.O. ]
    Obert : That was fucking delicious.
    Glassdick: Just wait a while and your next one'll be even better.
    Obert : Alright, let's get started.
    Glassdick: We haven't started? Man, this is like real work.
    Obert : [laughter] What can you tell us about Swine Trek ? Is it similar in tone to the Nice Nazi films?
    Glassdick: I don't even know how to answer that since I essentially set the tone for those films. And I set it for this film. It's all me. It's all the same tone. Every piece of music I've ever made. Every note struck.
    Obert : Okay. Does that mean you think you have more control of the final product and perception of the film than Sergio [Simpatico]?
    Glassdick: Look, I'm not saying Sergio's unimportant. Of course he is. People wouldn't drop a load in his bank account every time he crapped out a Nazi film if he wasn't important. I'm just saying I can put music on any piece of film and make you feel a certain way.
    Obert : You believe that? Really?
    Glassdick: Hell yeah. Look, the movie may be right in your face and force its way into you. The music – the music – you just have to let it in, right?
    Obert : I doubt I understand. But you're happy with the film and how it turned out?
    Glassdick: Happy? What is that, man? Happiness. I mean – I don't even know what that means anymore. I build skyscrapers in the Arizona desert for total strangers to mutilate… what would I know about happiness? By the way, you ever visit those buildings?
    Obert : Your Arizona experiments? No.
    Glassdick: Yeah, me neither. [laughter]
    Obert: Right, okay. By the way, I'm starting to get a buzz.
    Glassdick: Damn, that

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