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Good Omens

Good Omens

Titel: Good Omens Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Neil Gaiman , Terry Pratchett
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water that was slightly khaki in color. But it was cold. It was probably the coldest cold shower Newt had ever had in his life.
    It didn't do any good.
    "There's a red sky," he said, when he came back. He was feeling slightly manic. "At half past four in the afternoon. In August. What does that mean? In terms of delighted nautical operatives, would you say? I mean, if it takes a red sky at night to delight a sailor, what does it take to amuse the man who operates the computers on a supertanker? Or is it shepherds who are delighted at night? I can never remember."
    Anathema eyed the plaster in his hair. The shower hadn't got rid of it; it had merely dampened it down and spread it out, so that Newt looked as though he was wearing a white hat with hair in it.
    "You must have got quite a bump," she said.
    "No, that was when I hit my head on the wall. You know, when you.. "
    "Yes." Anathema looked quizzically out of the broken window. "Would you say it's blood.. colored?" she said. "It's very important."
    "I wouldn't say that," said Newt, his train of thought temporarily derailed. "Not actual blood. More pinkish. Probably the storm put a lot of dust in the air."
    Anathema was rummaging through The Nice and Accurate Prophecies
    "What are you doing?" he said.
    "Trying to cross.. reference. I still can't be.. "
    "I don't think you need to bother," said Newt. "I know what the rest of 3477 means. It came to me when I.. "
    "What do you mean, you know what it means?"
    "I saw it on my way down here. And don't snap like that. My head aches. I mean I saw it. They've got it written down outside that air base of yours. It's got nothing to do with peas. It's 'Peace Is Our Profession.' It's the kind of thing they put up on boards outside air bases. You know: SAC 8657745th Wing, The Screaming Blue Demons, Peace Is Our Profession. That sort of thing." Newt clutched his head. The euphoria was definitely fading. "If Agnes is right, then there's probably some madman in there right now winding up all the missiles and cranking open the launch windows. Or whatever they are."
    "No, there isn't," said Anathema firmly.
    "Oh, Yes? I've seen films! Name me one good reason why you can be so sure."
    "There aren't any bombs there. Or missiles. Everyone round here knows that."
    "But it's an air base! It's got runways!"
    "That's just for transport planes and things. All they've got up there is communications gear. Radios and stuff. Nothing explosive at all."
    Newt stared at her.
    * * * * *

    ook at Crowley, doing 110 mph on the M40 heading toward Oxfordshire. Even the most resolutely casual observer would notice a number of strange things about him. The clenched teeth, for example, or the dull red glow coming from behind his sunglasses. And the car. The car was a definite hint.
    Crowley had started the journey in his Bentley, and he was damned if he wasn't going to finish it in the Bentley as well. Not that even the kind of car buff who owns his own pair of motoring goggles would have been able to tell it was a vintage Bentley. Not any more. They wouldn't have been able to tell that it was a Bentley. They would only offer fifty.. fifty that it had ever even been a car.
    There was no paint left on it, for a start. It might still have been black, where it wasn't a rusty, smudged reddish.. brown, but this was a dull charcoal black. It traveled in its own ball of flame, like a space capsule making a particularly difficult re.. entry.
    There was a thin skin of crusted, melted rubber left around the metal wheel rims, but seeing that the wheel rims were still somehow riding an inch above the road surface this didn't seem to make an awful lot of difference to the suspension.
    It should have fallen apart miles back.
    It was the effort of holding it together that was causing Crowley to grit his teeth, and the biospatial feedback that was causing the bright red eyes. That and the effort of having to remember not to start breathing.
    He hadn't felt like this since the fourteenth century.
    * * *

        The atmosphere in the quarry was friendlier now, but still intense.
    "You've got to help me sort it out," said Adam. "People've been tryin' to sort it out for thousands of years, but we've got to sort it out now."
    They nodded helpfully.
    "You see, the thing is," said Adam, "this thing is, it's like.. well, you know Greasy

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