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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various
Vom Netzwerk:
    Now, he just had to figure out a way to get a pair on Kip. After all, turnabout was only fair play.
    Author bio: Stephani Hecht is a happily married mother of two. Born and raised in Michigan, she loves all things about the state, from the frigid winters to the Detroit Red Wings hockey team. Go Wings! You can usually find her snuggled up to her laptop, creating her next book or gorging on caffeine at her favorite coffee shop.

    by: Megan Slayer

    When my boyfriend left, I thought the worst part was my broken heart. Then, I came home and found he'd taken my dog. Weeks later, my ex called to tell me Dragon had escaped. Months passed before I got a call that his microchip had been scanned at a local veterinarian's office. I went to pick Dragon up from the clinic, and I almost forgot what I went for when I saw the vet.
    ~ Miya

    genre: contemporary
    tags: medical personnel; artist; pets, dogs, reunited, dirty talk, oral sex, masturbation, spanking
    word count: 13,151
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    by: Megan Slayer
    When my boyfriend left, I thought the worst part was my broken heart. Then, I came home and found he'd taken my dog. Weeks later, my ex called to tell me Dragon had escaped. Months passed before I got a call that his microchip had been scanned at a local veterinarian's office. I went to pick Dragon up from the clinic, and I almost forgot what I went for when I saw the vet...
    I'll admit right away that I am not the type to trip over myself for a pretty face. After Leon walked, I closed myself off. No more boyfriends. No more hassle. Yeah, that lasted a whole...nine months. Thankfully those nine months led to the change I needed to jumpstart my life. Follow me on this.
    I remember the call well. She had a sweet voice, lilting like bells. "Mr. Welles, the microchip in your pet Dragon has been scanned and we'd like to reunite the two of you."
    My heart leapt. Dragon wasn't wandering around any longer. At the time, I could hardly imagine what shape he was in. I assumed he'd been cared for by the vet, but come on, Leon hadn't been one for responsibility. He shocked the hell out of me when he took Dragon. I knew the end of our relationship was coming. We barely talked and spent our time merely passing. We hadn't had sex in six months. It was a matter of time before he walked out of my life—with Dragon.
    Sure enough, he did.
    I held onto the hope Dragon was reasonably okay and scrawled the address on the back of my hand. I grabbed my keys and sprinted for my truck. I didn't realize I hadn't hung up on the receptionist until I was three quarters of the way to the office. Good thing the office wasn't far away. I pressed the buttons to end the call and drove the last three miles in a blur. I parked the truck and ran across the lot into the office.
    "I'm here for Dragon," I puffed.
    The receptionist appraised me with one eyebrow raised.
    I wondered what she stared at until I looked down at my outfit. Crap. I'd been painting when the call came in. I had streaks of blue and green smeared across my T-shirt and I reeked of paint thinner.
    "Dr. Niemi will be with you in a few moments. He'd like to discuss Dragon's health." She smiled and stood, then strode from the little room behind her desk.
    My hands shook. Dr. Niemi. I knew a kid back in school named Niemi. Alec, I believed. I paced the length of the reception area. The room reminded me of a huge barn, a barn with better wood work and polished floors, but a barn nonetheless.
    "Room three, please."
    I turned around and scanned the doors. Bright red barn doors with cheery white trim. Cute. A ripple of apprehension ran up my spine. The vet wanted to talk to me. Could be good, could be really bad. I found door number three and tugged the handle. It wouldn't move. I glanced over at the receptionist.
    "Pull. The doors slide."
    Slide. Right. Wow. I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Barn doors slid to the side. Jesus. I yanked the door and holy shit it moved. Someone wanted authenticity.
    If I wasn't shocked Dragon had been found, the view on the other side of the door knocked my socks off. Dragon sat quietly allowing the vet to poke and prod him. His bottom fangs poked out from beneath his jowls until he spotted me. Immediately my dog barked. Loud.
    "Hey, boy. It's alright. Your person will be here," the vet cooed and grabbed something from the

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