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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various
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into the wall and spread my feet a little more. Other than by my own hand, I hadn't come in a long time. Hell, playing with myself was good, but a hot mouth on my prick? Even better.
    He pulled my dick out of my pants and stroked a couple times. I moaned. God, I loved what he was doing. "More," I said with a groan.
    Alec shook his head.
    "What?" I choked out. A trickle of sweat burned in the corner of my eye. Hell, I was sweating from a blow job? The man was good.
    "You're cute, but I always use a rubber." He reached into his back pocket and grabbed his wallet. He produced a foil packet and grinned. Sheer wickedness gleamed in his eyes. "Better safe than sorry."
    I was glad someone paid attention. I swayed on my feet as he rolled the condom over my aching shaft. I shivered and fisted his shirt. "Now. Please?" I didn't care if I sounded needy...I needed him.
    Alec ran his tongue over my balls, nuzzling them and blowing puffs of cool air over the fevered skin. He knew how to torture but damn, I liked it. I rocked my hips and fought to breathe.
    He hummed and took me deep in his mouth. I groaned loudly. I didn't care who heard me. His mouth had to be what heaven felt like. Warm, safe, slick... With one hand, he kneaded my testicles. The other hand worked over my cock. Slurp, slide, withdraw, repeat. I let him run the show, but the closer I got to orgasm, the harder it became to hold back. Dear God. I shuddered and took over the tempo. I needed to come.
    "Come for me," he said around my dick. "Yeah."
    His coaxing was all I needed. I bit down hard on my bottom lip and emptied my seed into the condom. I wriggled my hips a couple times to prolong the climax, then settled against the wall. Holy shit. I wasn't much for quickies and I sure as hell didn't fuck on the first date, but that pang of regret I thought sure would crop up didn't. I sank down to the floor, unable to hold myself up.
    Eye-level with Alec, I tried to grin. I have no idea what face I made, but whatever I'd done, he laughed. "What?" I whispered.
    "You're so sexy when you come." He brushed his knuckles across my cheek. "Beautiful shade of pink on your cheeks. The hunger radiates in your eyes. It's magic."
    Magic? Beautiful? Wow. With my cock flopped onto my open fly, I gathered Alec in my arms. We cuddled there on the floor, for how long I wasn't sure. All I knew was that I never wanted the moment to end.
    When my breathing returned to normal and the clock chimed, Alec sat up. "I want to fuck you."
    Blunt. I could handle blunt. I'd have to toss the used rubber, first, but yeah, I could handle what he had to give me. "On the bed," I puffed. "Want this to be special."
    Alec nodded. "Yes."
    He grabbed my hand and led me to the back of the house. His bedroom overlooked the view of the road. Cornstalks swayed in the field in the property across the gravel. No peeping eyes that way.
    I heard the clunk behind me, but I didn't see him move. Alec tossed a bottle of lube and another condom onto the bed. He tweaked my nipple. "This would look hot if you had a ring in it."
    I groaned and swayed into his touch. I'd never thought about piercing my nipples. When he broached the subject, I couldn't help but wonder. A tiny silver ring would look hot. Would make playing with them hot, too.
    "You're thinking about it." He nipped my neck. "I've dreamed of this moment. Burying myself so deep in your ass." He shoved my pants to the floor, leaving me naked except for my socks and the clothing bunched around my ankles.
    "Carson, get me ready for you. Nice and wet."
    I almost balked at his blunt suggestion. Almost. I never cared if I was the top or the bottom. I liked being in control and sometimes I liked having control ripped from my hands. I've got my kinks. When his voice went thick with desire and need, I snapped to. I worked the buttons on his shirt, all while kissing and tasting him. There was a hint of salt and soap on his skin. His hums and groans vibrated down my spine. I shoved the shirt off his shoulders and stepped back to look at him.
    Alec puffed out his chest a bit. He didn't have the bellybutton ring like I'd imagined in my daydream, but he had a barbell piercing in each nipple. The stainless steel glinted in the light. My mouth watered. I had to taste him. I licked and flicked his nipples, loving the taste the metal and flesh. Through his pants, Alec's cock throbbed. My cock came back to life as well. Having such a hot guy before me did help in the erection

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