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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various
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still did. Eleftherios shook himself, grinning. It would be two years since they had met, and he was sure that Nikandros and Vasilios remembered, and it was likely their reason for telling him to come to their house early that night.
    As he wrote a note to send to his aunt telling her where he would be should she wish to send for him, he grinned. He could barely wait.
    Eleftherios placed his knuckles on the wooden door and rapped lightly. The sounds of dogs howling down the street could be heard clearly, and he wondered who had left his dogs wandering the streets at night.
    With his face turned to examine the road, he did not know that the door was opened until two hands dragged him into the house. He felt warm lips against his and smiled. He wound his hands around Nikandros's neck and held on as a warm tongue plundered his mouth. As he pulled back to run his tongue over Nikandros's lower lip, he felt the lip harden for a moment before it became pliant again.
    Eleftherios pulled back, slightly alarmed, and was promptly spun around by Vasilios who began to suckle his lips, biting and chewing. His worry forgotten for the moment, he sank his hands into his lover's soft hair and sighed. For a brief moment, Vasilios's lips hardened against his and became pliant just as Nikandros's had.
    This time, he walked to the other side of the room to give himself a moment to think. Something was wrong, and if he didn't know better, he would have said that his lovers' lips had become as hard and cool as stone. But that wasn't possible. They were still warm bodies and were very much alive, the color still present in their skins. Besides, he hadn't become his mother. So what in Hades was happening?
    While he had worried and thought, Nikandros and Vasilios, in a bid to get his attention back to them, proceeded to kiss each other while slowly taking off their clothes. Soon, their garments lay strewn all around them, and they stepped away from their clothes garments.
    Nikandros gave Eleftherios a slow wink and began to run kisses all over Vasilios's body, paying extra attention to his sensitive nipples, which had Vasilios moaning. Eleftherios felt his cock harden as he watched Nikandros kneel and take Vasilios's cock in his mouth, pulling back to trace the head with his tongue before engulfing the entire length in his mouth again.
    Eleftherios felt the rate at which his heart was beating quicken at the sight as his eyes greedily took in the scene of Vasilios holding Nikandros's head and thrusting into a willing mouth.
    Just as Eleftherios made to move towards his lovers, they began to harden. Tanned skin turned grey, and pliant bodies hardened. In the blink of an eye, his living lovers became stone— their faces forever caught in an expression of pleasure.
    As his world came crashing down, his mother's words echoed in his head. He sank to his knees and let loose a scream of anger and pain. Mother, what have I done? What have I done?!
    His return to his home occurred with unseeing eyes. He did not know how he got home nor did he know the time that had passed. All he knew was that he placed one foot before the other, and soon he had gotten to Adelpha's rooms.
    The lamp still burned brightly. She turned to greet him. "Theris, what brings you home so soon? Your note said you would be with…" The words died off, eyes widening at the look she saw in his eyes.
    "What happened?"
    He felt numb and very cold, his words bereft of all emotions as he replied. "They turned to stone. Nikandros and Vasilios turned to stone right before my eyes."
    He heard her gasp. Adelpha braced herself against the wall, her breath whooshed out of her lungs, as she gazed at him in horror. He saw the terror in her eyes, not at the words he had spoken but at something she assumed would happen with his presence. It took a while for realization to come to him. "You are not stone."
    "Glad to see that your eyes are working as well as mine." Adelpha dryly responded as she finally took her seat, sighing as the tension left her body.
    Eleftherios watched her visibly relax. That did nothing, however, for his own agitated state. "If you are not stone, then it means that I do not have the curse of Mother on me. Why, then, have my lovers been turned to stone?"
    "Only the gods can answer that."
    "Damn, the gods. I tire of hearing about gods who have not cared for me. Why should they answer this question when they never answered when I called after Mother had been taken?

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