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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various
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breech was empty, however the magazine contained some bullets. They mentioned the injuries I caused him would be recorded as Sustained from the victim's defensive actions . I'm sorry to break my oath to you but I had to show Dad and the cops your hideout, which they searched and found the other rifle and some ammo and cans of food and booze. They intend to interrogate him when he comes round. I asked them to find out for you how he knew about your hideout. The reports you and I heard this morning on the radio told the rest of the story."
    I nodded and told him to forget about the oath. Angie brought me a radio, after Sunny alerted her, to let me hear the news flashes and bulletins. After a massive manhunt, police arrested the fugitive this morning on a tip-off… captured on an orchard near Orange… in hospital under police guard… is expected to be charged with numerous sexual and physical assault offences and others including misappropriation and theft .
    "When we returned to the pond, I saw Paddles back on the rock, sunning himself, and looking at the commotion on the bank. I knew that bastard would have smashed Paddles with the rifle butt, given a chance. He seemed to hate you so much and wanted to deprive you of any happiness. I fetched Paddles and walked home with Dad. We stopped at the swimming hole and I had a quick swim. That dip really revived me, making me feel good and damned happy with what I'd done. We jogged the rest of the way home. When we arrived at the fence, I asked Dad how he and the cops found out. He put his arms on my shoulders and related the story. You really won his heart you know, he's so impressed with you and said we all owe you a big thanks—"
    "No, you don't."
    "Alex, I suggest you don't argue with him. He's regarded as one of Sydney's better brains at criminal law, so when he says something, just accept it."
    "Okay, but just know, I owe you as much for single-handedly beating the shit outta that bugger. So we're even, my spunky super-hero!"
    He laughed and rubbed my cheek. "I hope your nightmare's over now, babe."
    I stared at him, my eyes welling in new tears, tears of love now. "My champ, I can't wait to show you how grateful I am."
    "Make that soon, my sexy man." He rose and whispered to my ear, "Don't know 'bout yours, but my cock's gettin' damned lonely."
    "Your father and his predecessors were very clever with the bequeathing of the property, to ensure the asset remained within the family and passed to future generations of your bloodline." Harold Hardwick stood at the end of my bed, beside Jim, who introduced him as my lawyer . I quickly grew to like his old gravelly voice, kindly and countrified, no wonder Dad and his dad used this country gentleman to handle their affairs. In fact, Harry, as he asked me to call him, even knew my great granddad for a short time.
    "In effect, the estate is owned by a company whose shares are passed down by the first son to his first son born from marriage or civil union. Inheritance occurs upon the death of the father or upon his son turning eighteen years of age, whichever is the latter."
    "What? Do you mean—"
    "That's right, Alex, the estate became yours on the day you turned eighteen, nearly two months ago. However, numerous conditions apply, covering circumstances of premature death of any party, divorce, re-marriage, no natural sons, adoption, surrogacy, incapacitation, and so on. In your case, your mother acquired guardianship upon your father's premature death, you being a child at the time. That guardianship ceased upon you turning eighteen when you assumed ownership, despite her re-marrying.
    "It seems your mother failed to inform her second husband of that detail, giving him the illusion he gained ownership to at least half of the estate and business by marriage right, apparently a custom of his native Balkan homeland. Whether that is true or not, I don't know.
    "He appears to have intercepted the letters I posted to you and your mother two days before he assaulted both of you. I didn't advise you earlier of your inheritance, expecting all necessary documentation would be in place to effect transfer of ownership on or before your birthday or soon thereafter. Unfortunately, the process of dealing with state government and municipal departments during the Christmas holiday season proved onerous. My letter outlined your position and requested your attendance at my office to sign the documents and discuss the preparation of

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