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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various
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your will.
    "The estate company owns the land, buildings and the trees. For taxation and financial security reasons, another company owns the business of the orchard. It owns the machinery and attends to the maintenance, labour, harvesting, packing and marketing of the produce. I, and the company's accountant, Albert Preston, hold one non-equity share each and are joint custodians for your father's ninety-eight shares, until you reach the age of twenty-five. By then you are expected to have acquired the skills to take over running the businesses. Should you decide not to assume control or become unable to, we have the option to appoint a manager. Presently, we have a caretaker manager in attendance."
    He went on to explain that, by nuptial agreement, my mother didn't have right of ownership in the company. She did receive a significant share of the profits, providing her well above the thresholds of the Family Law Act, as re-imbursement for her role in the company and the family relationship. Some role , I thought. Up to now, he added, my stepfather had received a market-commensurate income for his contributions.
    "Naturally, in view of these terrible events, those payments have ceased and options exist for the company to seek reimbursement, in addition to the civil and criminal claims and damages you are entitled to. This includes, we have discovered, wages deposited into your bank account that your stepfather siphoned for his use, a sizeable amount.
    "As for your present position, to maintain ownership of the property, all you need to do is to attest in your will, your first son will inherit the property in accordance with these terms. If in time, you do not marry a woman, you may select from the alternative avenues, when of course, you wish to do so. An old codicil, an attachment, remains unaltered, which determines avenues in event you die without an heir. Alex, for the time being, until your circumstances change, I suggest you use the standard will, which your father and his father used. Are you in agreement?"
    "Yes, of course, Harry. If it was good enough for Dad, it'll be fine for me."
    "Further, for your peace of mind, and mine, I would like you to authorise Jim to scan all documents to ensure they represent your interests. I've already asked him, and he's agreed to do so. Are you in agreement?"
    "If you insist, yes, I am, though I'm sure I can trust you, if that's the reason."
    "Thank you, Alex. The reason is not a matter of trust, young man, it's because I'm getting on in years and my eyesight is not the best these days. I want to ensure the documents are correct and inclusive, that is, that I haven't omitted parts, particularly with such sizeable and valuable assets involved. In Jim, I couldn't have a better person for the job."
    "I see. Thank you for your care, and thank you also, Jim."
    "Upon signing the documents, you shall receive all dividends paid by both companies since your father's death, which have been held in trust by Albert and me, including an interim dividend from the proceeds of the Christmas cherry harvest. The harvest produced a reasonable return this season, although down on the previous year due to the untimely rains."
    "Are you able to write your signature?"
    "I should be able to scratch something, Jim."
    "That will be fine."
    "Finally," Harry added, "When I bring the documents for you to sign in a couple of days, I shall bring some items your father entrusted me to present to you when you turned eighteen. Other items are too large to bring here, so I'll deliver them when convenient with you. Please forgive me for the delay, but in retrospect, it is fortuitous I did, for a sizeable amount of cash is included. If I had deposited the monies in your bank account—"
    "Struth, Harry! You never know what the bastard might have done to Mum and me if he'd discovered that money in my account back then, not to mention, what he would've done with it."
    "Thank you, Alex. Now, my last point, I do suggest you continue to use Albert as your accountant, financial and investment adviser, at least in the interim. As well, I'll be happy to continue to serve as your legal representative, if you so wish."
    I wished I could see Harry. He seemed such a dignified, grandfatherly type of gentleman. "Of course, I do, and please let Albert know, also."
    Harry moved to stand beside us and press my hand and Drew's together. Then that old country fellow, with his white hair and beard I could make out in my gaze,

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