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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various
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said in his soft, lilting voice, "I'm deeply sorry and disturbed by the violence and abuse you suffered. I wish I had known. Thank God, it's now in your past. To you, Alex, and you, Drew, I have nothing but respect and admiration for your courage. God bless you, boys."
    Two mornings later, I could see the numbers on Drew’s old mobile, and celebrated by ringing and telling him my sight had returned at last, just in time to sign the most important documents in my life. Considering the jarring my head took, I wondered if spending all of yesterday solely with Drew and Paddles, had hastened the recovery. They made me feel so cool and calm, without the fear disturbing my mind, instead just happiness and the love I shared with them.
    From my viewpoint, the day put the lid on that bubbling cauldron of torment I'd lived in for years. I felt a different person, even when Angie washed me, and commented on a couple of dried white spots on my belly. I blushed what felt like the heat of a bonfire, and forced a smile, but then surprised myself by saying, "Oh well, just boy's stuff."
    She laughed and replied, "Not much for a wet dream." I wriggled with laughter as best my ribs would allow, not knowing if she was joking or serious. I promised myself that we'd take her out to dinner when I'm human again… and let her in on the secret.
    I'd felt so upbeat yesterday that when Drew suggested we end our drought, I was all for it and decided to take the risk with him. Drew wedged the back of a chair under the door handle, then slipped under the bed covers, lay on his side and lifted my hand onto the steel hard rod of his hot cock poking out of his fly. I touched its tight flesh and stroked a few times as he grabbed mine and leaned his lips to my face. In no time, our heavy breathing matched the frenzied cock-tugging under the covers, relishing our first time together in over three weeks.
    I stared at Harry when he walked in, seeing him clearly for the first time and sighed in my mind, knowing I'd made the right decisions. For I considered Harry more than a gracious, wise old country gent; he's the type of bloke that helped shape the history and folklore of the land and country lifestyles and values. He’s the type that Banjo wrote about in his poems that Dad used to read to me in front of the fire on a winter’s night, like the Snowy horsemen and the western drovers.
    Harry presented a string of tax, share, company, banking, municipal and other documents which I signed, the ones requiring witnessing attended by Jim and Sunny. At my request, I had Drew sign them as well, 'cuz I had another premonition, this time that he'd be involved in all these matters one day, one way or another. Harry then gave me his itemised listing of the dividends, which he'd banked into a short-term interest bearing account in my name earlier in the morning for me. When I looked at the amount, I almost puked. "Holy hell, Harry, you must have made a mistake!"
    "No mistake. Now, do you see the big jump in return in this year and thereafter," he said, pointing to the tenth year on a graph of the last twenty years. "That happened the year your dad died, after buying the Arnold's orchard adjoining the eastern boundary, along the road. Such a shame he never saw the benefit of his foresight."
    "I remember the day he purchased that orchard. He and Mum were so happy."
    "They were, Alex, which now brings me to the reason for showing you the graph. I happen to know the property adjoining your northern boundary, at the back of the orchard, will be on the market soon. The owners, the Bethwaites, knew and respected your dad, however would have nothing to do with your mother's second husband. I recommend you consider purchasing it. I'm sure they'd consider a fair market price rather than go to auction. What do you think?"
    "Struth, Harry, you hit me with this, already?" I chuckled and saw him rock back and grin, along with the others.
    "As your father knew, fortune favours the swiftest of the brave."
    "Will this," I queried, holding up the deposit receipt, "cover the purchase?"
    "Not quite, though I'm sure I could arrange favourable vendor terms for the balance. This means they would fund the balance on reasonable terms until the company can pay it from future harvest earnings, which Albert expects in four years maximum. That's not taking into account the damages you can expect awarded from claims against your stepfather and mother."
    I looked at Drew. "What do

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