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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various
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you think?"
    "Because Harry recommends you do, I'd buy, but it's your call."
    "Very well then, let's buy, Harry."
    "Excellent, m'boy, the best decision you could make."
    I smiled and looked back at Drew and squeezed his hand, knowing the best of my life's decisions I ever made was to let him seduce my mind and then my heart.
    Sunny called a break and arranged tea, coffee and biscuits, the butterscotch bickies being my favourites because the wet part wouldn't fall off on my chest or chin after Drew dunked them in my mug and put them to my lips followed by my straw. Drew loved Tim Tams, covering his lips in the melted chocolate after dunking them and sticking his choc covered tongue out to me, hidden from the others by his hand. My oath, he looked sexy, I wanted to suck that tongue and smudge his lips against mine so much.
    After Drew cleared the cups, Harry asked, "Have you given thought to our discussion two days ago, about your mother?"
    "I have," I replied, remembering the chat with him and Jim, wishing they hadn't asked, but as they explained, the police needed to know.
    "Do you like your mother?" Jim asked.
    "Why not?"
    "Because…" I told them my mother knew that step-sadist-mongrel molested me and never tried to stop him. She denied and laughed when anybody queried her about my complaints of abuse, saying I'm crazy, stating my ADHD and the meds were making me madder and dumber every day, and more prone to making wild claims. She sided with him and protected him, shocking me, not believing she had any idea of the physical pain her husband caused me. The only good thing she did was not tell that animal, for if he knew I'd told people, I'd have been a goner. I said I couldn't believe she ignored my pleas to give me painkillers after his attacks. "As a result, I don't hate her, but don't like her or feel sorry for her. One thing's for sure, there's no love between us, not from me."
    "Then why did you defend her last Friday night?"
    I thought for a few moments before answering. "She is my mother, Jim, the only family I've got, a basic instinct in me, I s'pose, that I can't turn my back on regardless what I think of her. That scum bastard should not have attacked any person, particularly a woman, the way he did. It's not right. I don't know whether I tried to stop him attacking her or tried to save her."
    I heard Jim and Harold talk between themselves, then Jim announce, "As we previously mentioned, you have the option to have a variety of criminal charges laid against her by the police or press civil charges by suing her through the courts. Or you can choose not to proceed with any charges, of course."
    "Well, this is what I've been thinking. If the police charge her, she'll be jailed for years. So, in return for not pressing charges, I want her to pay me for the hurt she brought on by standing by and not helping me against that thug of her husband. She can afford to pay a reasonable amount for the torture I went through, 'cuz she received a large insurance payout when Dad died, which she invested. Second, as you suggested, she is to be my witness and testify against him, if needed. Last, when she's released from hospital she can live in the house for three months, then she must leave and never return. What do you think?"
    "Considering the abuse you've suffered for seven years, I think you're being more than fair. I'll assist Harry in this matter and get back to you with her response. To be honest, I think she'll jump at the opportunity. Inspector McDonald has made her aware of her position, facing charges covering issues of parental neglect, complicity in assault and sexual offences, including underage crimes, and so on."
    "Thank you, Jim. I might mention, when I recover and return to the orchard, I'll live in the guest's quarters. In time, I'll demolish that old house with all its bad memories. The building is so old and dilapidated now, only good for firewood, anyway." I looked at Drew, flexed my handgrip, and said, "I'll do that after I've built a new house overlooking the swimming hole, where my happiest memories are."
    Inspector McDonald arrived spot on his agreed meeting time of three the following afternoon. He advised my stepfather had already been charged with numerous assault, firearm and theft counts and now needed my signature on my statement to enable them to proceed with charges for all offences committed against me. Jim helped me prepare the document with an officer who typed all the

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