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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various
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guff on a laptop earlier that morning.
    "I've checked the document on your behalf, Alex," Jim said, passing me the Inspector's clipboard folder and pen. "You just need to sign on the line."
    I felt jubilant after signing all copies. "Just make sure you throw every charge you can at him."
    "Rest assured we will, Alex. Yours will be a worst category case . He'll be put away for twenty-five years, maybe more, on the underage offences alone."
    "You'll also be pleased to know we're transferring him from here to a prison hospital, as we speak."
    "I hope I never have to see him again."
    "In the likely event he confesses, you'll never need to. Now that your mother has agreed to settle with you, her evidence alone will sink him if he's stupid enough to defend."
    "His confession will simplify and speed your damages claims against him," Jim mentioned.
    I flopped my head into my pillow and tightened my hold of Drew's hand, muttering, "Finally, she will have helped me. Pity she didn't ages ago, when I used to love her."
    Inspector McDonald rose, latched his brief case and then locked his unblinking gaze on me. "Alex, this is my last visit to you. Before I go, I want to extend my apologies for the shocking, neglectful behaviour exhibited to you by officers of the local police station during your times of anguish and need. As you are aware, their neglect of duty and care has resulted in two dismissals and two reprimands and demotions. I want you to know that on my return to Sydney, I intend submitting a report to my superiors, recommending you are compensated for the misconduct shown to you by those officers. Additionally, I'll support Jim's intended application for compensation from the Victims of Violent Crime scheme."
    "Thank you," I murmured.
    "Oh, one final matter, Drew asked us to ascertain how your step-father discovered your hideout. When the question was put to him, he answered he became suspicious after seeing you carrying some timber and hearing your hammering, and followed you one day. He gave no reason why he kept his discovery a secret; for no good intent, one presumes. He also confessed he hid his vehicle behind pallet stacks in one of the sheds, however has not indicated why he did so. We have several theories, one being he intended to use the vehicle as another hide-out, and to flee in it when our search cooled off."
    "Just shows how creepy and slimy he was."
    "Yes. I must be on my way," he said, shaking my hand and Drew's, adding "my best wishes to you both."
    He shook Jim and Sunny's hands and departed, his brisk footsteps along the corridor resounding in the silence of the room. I thought in those moments a curtain began closing on my past and a window opened a tad on my new life.
    "Don't feel embarrassed to stay with us, please," Drew begged, time and again, reminding me of his promise.
    One afternoon, Sunny wheeled me across the road to a seat shaded by a large gum tree in the park opposite the hospital. My ribs ached each time the wheelchair rocked, but I bore the pain, being happy to be outside in the sun at last. There she took my hand and told me not to feel uncomfortable to convalesce at their home, emphasising that Jim and she wanted me to stay with them as Drew's companion. She went on to say, "We haven't seen Drew as happy in the last year as he's been since he met you. For, while Drew's a popular boy, he's sad and lonely in his heart, because he's still coming to terms over losing his best friend in a surfing accident over a year ago—"
    "Oh, no," I cried, leaning back, fighting the impulsive tears that wanted to drown my eyes, amazed how that beautiful boy could offer me so much care and attention, while carrying such burden of grief.
    "So you see," Sunny continued, "without knowing, you've been the perfect tonic for him."
    I returned my gaze from the sky to her and flexed my fingers on her hand. "Really?"
    "Yes. He talks of you all the time, of his feelings for you and his hopes and plans and dreams to be with you."
    "Do you mean that?"
    She nodded, smiling.
    "I feel the same. I can't imagine my future life without Drew. I wish I had a brother like him. But I reckon having him as my partner is even better."
    She rose and hugged me, being careful of my ribs in the process, and kissed me. "Please, Alex, don't have any concerns or hesitation to stay with us. You'll be a very welcome addition to the household."
    "Thank you. He's never mentioned his friend."
    "He keeps his loss close

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