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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various Authors
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eagerness for adventure.
    Sam glanced outside at the landscape, not the buildings. "Yes, we should be coming into the station momentarily."
    "Excellent. And then we will truly be free, won't we? Once we leave this town no one will find us and we'll be well on our way."
    On their way to destruction was the only thought that ran through Sam's head. Utter and complete.
    Oberon held out his arms. "Don't look like that. We're together. You've freed me, and for the next few weeks at least it will be like those stunning days on that ship. You remember that ship, don't you, Sam? How much we loved, and laughed, and played?"
    Sam couldn't help but walk into that embrace. He gripped Oberon tightly, wanting to hold on to this moment, only this very moment, forever.
    Then the whistle blew, steam spewed, and they drew into the station. And the moment was lost.
    CHAPTER 11
    Sam was exhausted after everything that had taken place. They took a chance and spent the night in town and then started out early the next day after getting the necessary supplies for the trip ahead. They'd pick up with the carnival in a few days. Finally, they were on their own. Sam chose to stop near twilight in a densely wooded area near a small creek well hidden from the main road. Oberon had pouted and slept most of the day. Now he seemed wide awake.
    It was Sam who unhitched the two horses, fed and watered them, and then set them to a small patch of grass, before heading back to their camp to build up a cook fire outside the gaily-painted wagon. It was after their light dinner of beef and beans, and a home-baked apple pie for dessert, finishing off with strong coffee, that Oberon stepped back into the wagon as Sam cleaned up the dishes down at the stream.
    It was peaceful down by the creek, and Sam took his time cleaning up. There were few moments of true quiet and solitude in his life. When he got back to the dwindling campfire he stowed the tin dishes and utensils in the box affixed to the side of the wagon for that purpose.
    Darkness seemed to descend quickly, and Sam noted that Oberon must have lit several of the oil lamps inside the wagon, as he could see a soft flickering glow emanating from inside the wagon. A number of scientific texts were part of the cargo Sam had acquired at Oberon's request. That and paper, pens, pencils, and several other sundries were stowed beneath the bed inside. As he stepped inside the wagon he noted Oberon was seated at a table with a deck of cards. He had laid a pattern of cards across the table and Sam didn't think it looked like solitaire. Nor did the deck appear to be the usual sort.
    "What are you playing?" he asked as he stepped inside and closed and latched the door. Oberon glanced up; the lamplight flickered across his face, casting it into light and shadow, giving him almost a demonic appearance. He picked up the cigarette and inhaled deeply. That was when Sam smelled it. Tobacco laced with opium. Oberon lit another and held it out to Sam.
    "Join me. It's a tarot deck. I found it stashed beneath the bed. You know what they use them for?"
    Sam accepted the opium-laced cigarette and then sat on the bed, bringing his legs up in a cross-legged manner beneath him. He pulled on the cigarette; the smoke curled inside his mouth and he held for a minute before he released a stream of smoke into the air. It wasn't long before its effects eased through him, mellowed him out. He leaned back and closed his eyes. "Fortune telling," he mumbled.
    "Want me to tell your fortune?"
    Sam opened his eyes and shook his head in an exaggerated fashion back and forth. "Nope. No palm reading either. Taking each day as it comes. Not interested in what the future might be. Just right now." He noticed how the shadows danced across the ceiling of the wagon, suddenly taking on menacing animalistic forms. He managed to rouse himself. But then he noticed Oberon, who'd gotten up from the table. He was standing in front Sam, naked, his cock a burnished deep red, the leather tacked strap belted at the root.
    "Why did you bring that?" Sam whispered, hating the thought of where it had come from and the cruelty of it.
    "I put it on for you, Sam," Oberon said softly. Then he took another long draw from the cigarette, then blew out the smoke. "Ah, yes. Lovely." He leaned toward Sam. "Tonight I'm going to have you. Remember when I fucked Bobby? I can hold on for a long time wearing this. A very long time. I won't come until I'm ready. They did teach me

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