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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various Authors
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gold, releasing Sam's cock from the confines of his underdrawers.
    "There you are," he murmured against Sam's lips. "Lovely, Sam. My Sam. Do you remember when I proposed? I didn't think you'd say yes. So much had come between us. But no more. You're no longer so… conflicted are you?" He stroked his hands up and down Sam's shaft, making him harder. "You're all mine now, aren't you, darling? And I'm all yours." He kissed Sam hungrily, thrust his tongue into Sam's moist mouth.
    He pulled back and then dived downward to engulf Sam's prick into his mouth. Sam gasped at the pure, undiluted pleasure that sang through him. He curled his fingers into Oberon's springy blond curls, gripping tightly. Oberon's head bobbed between his legs. His fingers bit into Sam's thighs, kneading his flesh. Sam didn't think he could hold back. It was an ecstasy to have Oberon here like this, without the darkness, without the bonds, without the guards, without the prison.
    "Oberon!" He cried out as he came. He gazed down at Oberon, watched his cheeks hollow as he sucked Sam clean. Sam lifted him, drew him forward and kissed him deeply, tasting the two of them blended. It seemed a celebration of their union, a reaffirmation of their love. And once again, as quickly as that, Sam felt himself falling into the charismatic aura surrounding Dr. Oberon Ophelian. He felt hypnotized and so perfectly in love with this man, he could see nothing else but him.
    "A new beginning, Oberon. Promise me this is a new beginning for us."
    After straightening Sam's clothing, Oberon eased back and took the seat across from him. The warmth had left his eyes as quickly as that. They now seemed hard, brittle ice. He crossed his legs and gazed across the distance, which now seemed great to Sam, and eyed him coolly. "You tell me. Is this a new beginning for us? You gave me to them once— will you do it again?"
    Ice crawled through Sam. "Just now, was that all an act?"
    "That's yet to be proven. I spent five years in that hellish hole. Was it guilt that spurred you to free me? Or do you truly love me enough to give everything up and to join me."
    "Join you in doing what?"
    "Ah, that is the question, isn't it? Is that why you're here— why you freed me?"
    "And is that why you seduced me just now? And in a manner you knew would crush my defenses. And you did it so easily and so well."
    Oberon smiled. "You were a virgin when we made love that first time. I owned you then, didn't I? And I never give away what belongs to me."
    "My God, Oberon. I am not a possession. I love you. That is something freely given."
    Oberon leaned forward, his look intense. "Are you so sure it's freely given? It seems to me you've fought that love from the first moment I took it from you. You have never wanted to love me. And I have to wonder, where is the loyalty that should be attached to that love?"
    Sam jumped to his feet. "You're here now, aren't you? I've done everything for you. Everything to prove that I—"
    Oberon surged to his feet, their bodies touching in the small space of the parlor car. "Everything to rid yourself of guilt for confining me to that demented place."
    He crushed Sam's face between his hands, shoved him up against the compartment wall, then kissed him with a violence that left Sam shaking… and hungry for more. But as quickly as Oberon grabbed him, he released him, spun away, and strode into the washroom slamming the door shut behind him.
    Sam took in air and released a shuddering breath. He couldn't fault Oberon on anything he'd said. It was guilt that fueled his singled-minded purpose to free Oberon. It was true he hadn't wanted to love him, especially knowing how few emotions the mad scientist had for any other human being, let alone Sam. All of it was true. And yet Sam couldn't walk away. Was it only the moments like the one that had just passed when he saw that softer side of Oberon? He was a master at seduction, of that Sam could attest.
    Perhaps at the end of the next few weeks he would understand more about their relationship. At the very least there would be an honesty to it– they each had a fairer understanding of where the other stood. He was taking a chance and he knew it, but he couldn't do anything else. Lying down with the devil was going to cost him heavily, there was no doubt about it.
    Suddenly the door to the washroom flew open and Oberon stood there, a wide smile on his face. "We're slowing down. Are we almost there?" he asked with a young boy's

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