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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various Authors
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long been denied access to.
    "There will be time later to become reacquainted with life."
    Oberon stopped. Sam swung around, exasperated by the delay. Had the man no idea what danger they were still in? He halted when he saw the assessing look in Oberon's eyes.
    "What is it?"
    "Will there be time, Sam? I wonder how long this freedom will last? I must make good use of every moment, don't you think?" The look in his eyes for one moment seemed desperate. "I won't go back there. If they find me–if they find us— I will not go back there. You must promise me you'll do whatever it takes to be certain that doesn't happen. You have a pistol in your baggage?"
    Sam grabbed him by the shoulders and shook him. "Stop it. That's not going to happen. You will never go back down there. I promise you, Oberon. You will never suffer those horrors again. You have my word."
    Some of the madness and desperation faded from Oberon's eyes. He focused on Sam and gave a half-hearted laugh. "Of course. You're my knight in shining armor, aren't you, darling? Whoever would have known that scrawny little frosh back at university would ever turn out to be such a dashing, and daunting, protector?"
    There was something in the words, but Sam couldn't quite put his finger on it— something jarring, but well masked. "Oberon?"
    Oberon shook his head. "Nothing. It's nothing. Lead on. I will be better, I promise you, once I am away from here."
    Once they reached the pavement and the streets, Sam flagged down a hansom cab. "Ragstown Station, and make it quick. I have a train to catch."
    They just managed to catch the train, making a run for it. They dropped into seats, out of breath.
    Oberon lightly mopped his brow and sought to regain his breathing. "I'm sorry. I've not had much opportunity for exercise. I shall slow us down."
    "Once we get into the station and change trains, there will be a private parlor and you'll be able to rest for a few hours. The trip cross country after that will offer a good stretch of weeks to acclimate and regain your strength."
    "I want time to speed up. I want to be in the sub. It is armed, you said?"
    "It is designed as you instructed, so I am told. I've not been out there for quite some time."
    "I will watch, first hand, to see the destruction. No one will launch those missiles except by my hand. No one, you understand."
    "They have their orders," Sam soothed him. "All will be in readiness for your arrival. They all wait in great anticipation for the great Dr. Oberon Ophelian to make his appearance."
    "We should telegraph them."
    "Absolutely not. There can be no communication, absolutely none. Do you understand?"
    Oberon sighed. "Yes, Constable. But you do know I don't take orders well. I'm the one who gives them." He slid a sideways look at Sam then squeezed his hand with a strong, crushing grip. "You are the one who delivers them and makes them obey for me."
    Sam's uneasiness rose. He did not rub the hand that now throbbed from Oberon's handling. Were the effects of that chamber of horrors below the water having lasting effects on Oberon? He'd always seemed slightly crazed, but now there was a line of cruelty beneath the madness. Could one be surprised after all he'd suffered? Sam knew he must remain alert; he had to keep Oberon calm and in hand or they would be finished before they even began. And any chance of freedom for either of them would be quickly snuffed out.
    At Ragstown Station, Sam made short work of buying their private compartment tickets and retrieving his baggage from a secure locker. Thus far everything was in order and going even more smoothly than he could have imagined.
    "We need to get to Track 8. Our train is leaving in ten minutes. Don't rush." Sam glanced around, alert for any signs of trouble. It was as they reached the gate of Track 8 and he saw the train sitting there, waiting, that he happened to glance to the side and saw the man in the dark blue suit and dapper matching derby. "Take the bags," he said quickly to Oberon. He shoved them at him. "And here's the tickets." He stuffed them into Oberon's vest pocket. "Get to the train, walk slowly, and don't look back."
    "Just go! Now!" He shoved Oberon toward the train. "I'll join you shortly. If I don't— just do as we agreed. I'll find you. Don't deviate from the plan."
    Luckily Oberon did as Sam directed, but again a desperate look came into his eyes. Sam turned to guard his back. He didn't look over his shoulder to make certain

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