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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various Authors
Vom Netzwerk:
    "I'd love a plate of your brochettes d'agneau if there's any left."
    "Okay. I'll cook upstairs, they're supposed to be cleaning the kitchen."
    Jules raided the fridge for two portions of marinated lamb, picked up Mark's sports bag and headed for his smaller kitchen upstairs. He started the food cooking, opened a bottle of Bergerac and watched out of the window as the staff left, one by one. It took a while. Finally Carrie locked the back door and kissed Mark goodbye before she headed to her car. They were laughing about something. Then Mark rang the bell and came upstairs.
    Jules served the lamb over couscous on two plates and set them on the table. As they began to eat he said, "It's a pity—"
    "I was thinking it's a pity you don't find me attractive, because we could be a very good couple."
    "When did I say I didn't find you attractive?"
    Jules looked up, surprised. "When I asked you— you know."
    "All I meant was that I didn't want to be the guy you slept with when you couldn't get anyone else. I do have some pride, Jules."
    Jules frowned. "That isn't what I asked."
    "You wanted sex, and you weren't getting it anymore, so you expected me to provide it along with everything else I was doing for you." His face flushed.
    Jules was shocked. "That's what you thought I meant?"
    "What else could I think?"
    "But you misunderstood completely!"
    Mark raised his eyebrows and Jules lowered his voice.
    "Okay, maybe I didn't explain very well. But I meant the opposite of that. I always wanted you, but I didn't want to spoil our working relationship for something casual, so I went for other guys. But with Nicole, I couldn't live like before— in fact I didn't even want to— so I thought it was time to look for a relationship, and I knew it was you I wanted."
    Mark said nothing and Jules went on, "I thought if we were serious, it wasn't important that we work together, but it's even better that I'm not your boss, if you want to try it now. We can meet on your days off, see how it goes."
    Mark didn't answer. He bit his lip and, after a moment, went on eating. Jules didn't push it.
    They talked for another hour: about Nicole, about Claire, about Mark's family and his job. Finally Mark got up, yawning, and said he was heading for bed. A moment later he was back, saying, "Where's my bag, then?"
    Jules looked up from stacking the dishwasher and said innocently, "Oh, maybe I left it in my room?"
    He had put the sports bag on his own bed a few minutes earlier. He went to stand in the doorway as Mark opened it and took out his towel. Turning to see Jules blocking his exit, Mark guessed what was going on, and laughed.
    "I hear everything you were saying," he said, "but these last few months have been crazy for me in all kinds of ways. I can't tell you how angry I was with you at Christmas. I think I need a little more time."
    "We don't have to do anything. We can just sleep."
    "Oh yeah?"
    "Truly. I won't even undress. You can lie on top of the sheets if you want." Mark hesitated and Jules pointed to the far side of the bed. "That's your place, there, the place that nobody else fits."
    Mark laughed. "You're impossible. okay."
    He went to the bathroom but he left most of his stuff. Jules took off his shoes and shirt and got into bed, still wearing his jeans. It was going to be weird, sleeping with Mark without touching him, but if that was what it took to win back his trust, he'd do it.
    In the end it wasn't a big deal. After so many nights trying to sleep in the hospital ward, he was exhausted. When Mark came back and lay down Jules just touched his hand for a moment then rolled over, burrowed down and fell asleep.
    He woke in the dark, lying on his back. Mark had crawled under the quilt and was curled on his side, facing Jules. One arm was pushed forward, touching Jules's shoulder. Jules wished he didn't have to disturb that minimal physical contact but he needed the bathroom. He got out of bed and headed down the hall.
    When he came back he wasn't wearing his jeans. The atmosphere seemed different and he guessed Mark was awake. He pretended not to notice, slipping carefully back under the quilt.
    Mark was lying in the same position, facing Jules. Turning onto his side, Jules slid one hand forward so that it was touching Mark's arm, the way that Mark had been touching him before. After a moment he felt one of Mark's hands coming up to join his. Fingers stroked his palm in the darkness and Jules felt desire shoot

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