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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various Authors
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and the woman's flirtations didn't stir him at all.
    "We've done it!" Chaz, one of the other knights, clapped him on the back, prompting Kent to turn and give him a small smile. "I do hope our injured comrades do well, now. Staying in a real hospital will do them a world of good."
    Hope lifted in Kent's heart. Seth was well, but he wanted him fully recovered, able to spar once more. He would be weak after resting for so long. Kent could help train him…
    No. He had to keep away. For both their sakes.
    "Why the long face?" Chaz asked. "Still worried about Seth? You haven't visited him at all."
    "I… I want him to recover, of course." Kent twisted his horse's reins in his hand. "I want them all too."
    "They will. The only ones we lost were enlisted men; no knights fell to those curs. For all their mercenary prowess, they weren't much of a challenge." Chaz smiled as a passing village girl blew him a kiss then darted away behind a building. Chaz was pretty attractive, Kent thought dully. The woman had good taste.
    "Welcome!" The village's largest merchant, a man who owned most of the inns in town, waved to Commander Rake.
    "And now we're getting our own rooms at the inn!" Chaz cheered. "I wonder if we'll be able to get any of the local girls to share our rooms."
    Kent shook his head. Such things were against the knightly code, but who was he to judge Chaz?
    Their horses were stabled, and Kent decided to stay with Chaz, sharing a room with the garrulous blond knight. Once they packed up their belongings in the small room, Chaz headed out immediately. Presumably to find a girl or two, Kent thought bitterly.
    Other knights didn't hold to the codes. Why should he?
    He sat down on his bed, head in his hands. He knew why. His feelings for Seth were a far worse violation than some dalliance with a woman. Lyle's words had crystallized the suspicions he had held for a long time now.
    He made a fist, slamming it down on his knee. He had to do something, anything, to distract himself. If he sat here alone, he would only fall prey to his desires.
    He kept his armor on—a knight should never go without it—and headed into the village.
    Laughing women and drunken men, both enlisted men and knights, caroused around him as he walked. The afternoon had given way to dusk, and the growing dark pulled the judging light of day away. For many, it seemed chivalry had been forgotten.
    Kent strode past other inns, where music spilled into the night air and laughing voices echoed. He stopped at the slate gray building, a wrought iron fence in front. Chiep hospital.
    Seth was probably there. He may even be well. If he went inside and asked, he could know. He could…
    "Hello there," a husky voice said, and someone touched his shoulder. He turned to find a dark-haired young woman staring at him appreciatively. Her lips were painted red. "Are you lost?"
    Kent's face heated, and he took a few steps away from the woman. "No, M'lady, I am not."
    She regarded him silently, eyes narrowed. "A knight who keeps to the codes? How unusual." Her mouth turned up, and she moved away. "If you change your mind…" She let her hips finish the sentence as she disappeared down the dark alley.
    Kent sighed. Temptations. He had promised God he wouldn't fall prey to them. He shouldn't be here.
    "Oh, my lady, what a pretty one you are." His ears perked, his heart racing. Seth's voice.
    "What happened to you?" the woman's voice answered, dripping with feigned concern. "You're hurt."
    "I was hurt," Seth corrected. "They tried to stuff me in the hospital, but I'm well now. I refuse to drink any more concoctions. I want to celebrate."
    The woman squealed, and Kent's stomach turned.
    This wasn't any of his business. Seth had earned the right to enjoy himself. He had been hurt in the first battle, left alone for a week…. It shouldn't matter. This tightening in Kent's throat—the swirling anger at the whore who was taking Seth—was foolish. Leave them alone.
    His boots thudded on the marbled road, red tingeing his vision. He would not fall to temptation.
    But if he wouldn't, then neither should Seth. His jaw tight and pained, teeth grinding, he stomped toward the voices.
    He found them, a twined pair; Seth's brown bangs illuminated by a torch as he leaned down, kissing the woman's neck. His hands cupped her waist, and anger flared in Kent's gut.
    Along with the anger came another sort of passion. Seth, defined jaw slightly open, eyes shut, the muscles in his

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