Marijuana Horticulture: The Indoor/Outdoor Medical Grower's Bible
Mint: Mint oil drives insects away. Dilute in water, measure several drops per pint.
Oil, vegetable is comprised mainly of fatty acids and glycerides. Mix with rubbing alcohol to emulsify in water. Great stuff!
Oregano: Grind up fresh herb and use as a repellent. Mix with water.
Soap: I like Ivory® or Castille® soap. Use as an insecticide and wetting agent. Mix with water.
Tobacco: Mix tobacco with hot water to extract the poisonous alkaloid. Do not boil. Dilute concentrate with water.
Cooking or heating preparations can destroy active ingredients. To draw out (extract) ingredients, mince plant and soak in mineral oil for a couple of days. Add this oil to the water including a little detergent or soap to emulsify the oil droplets in water. Biodegradable detergents and soaps are good wetting-sticking agents for these preparations. Soap dissolves best if a teaspoon (0.75 cl) of alcohol is also added to each quart (0.9 L) of mix.
Chrysanthemum, marigold, and nasturtium blossoms; pennyroyal; garlic; chive; onion; hot pepper; insect juice (target insects mixed in a blender); horseradish; mint; oregano; tomato; and tobacco residues all will repel many insects including aphids, caterpillars, mites, and white-flies.
Spray made from pests ground up in a blender and emulsified in water will reputedly repel related pests. Best used on large pests! The insecticidal qualities in the dead bug parts will degrade quickly if combined with other things; do not include insects mixed in a blender with other ingredients besides water. Mixes that include tobacco may kill these pests if it is strong enough. These mixes can vary in proportions, but always filter the blended slurry before mixing with water for the final spray. Straining avoids clogging spray nozzles and plumbing.
Recipe 1. Mix three tablespoons (4.5 cl) each of isopropyl alcohol, lemon juice, garlic juice, horseradish juice, Ivory liquid, and a few drops of Tabasco®, mint, and cinnamon oil. Mix all of the ingredients in a small bowl into a slurry. Dilute the slurry at the rate of one teaspoon (0.5 cl per 47 cl) per pint of water and mix in a blender. Potent mix!
Recipe 2. Place one teaspoon (0.5 cl) of hot pepper or Tabasco® sauce and four cloves of garlic in a blender with a pint of water and liquefy, then strain through a nylon stocking or cheesecloth before using in the sprayer.
Recipe 3. A mix of one-eighth to one-quarter cup (3-6 cl) of hydrated lime combined with a quart (0.9 L) of water makes an effective insect and mite spray. Mix a non-detergent soap with lime. The soap acts as both a sticking agent and insecticide. Lime can be phytotoxic to plants in large doses. Always try the spray on a test plant and wait a few days to check for adverse effects to the plant before applying to similar plants.
Recipe 4. Liquid laundry bleach–sodium hypo-chlorite-is a good fungicide for non-plant surfaces. Mix as a five or ten percent solution. It is an eye and skin irritant, so wear gloves and goggles when using it. Mix 1 part bleach to 9 parts water for a 5 percent solution. Mix one part to four parts water for a 10 percent solution. Use this solution as a general disinfectant for grow room equipment, tools, and plant wounds. The bleach solution breaks down rapidly and has little, if any, residual effect.
Persistence: Contact neem stays on foliage for up to a month or until it is washed off. Stays in plant system up to a month when absorbed via roots.
Forms: Emulsifiable concentrate.
Toxicity: Not toxic to honeybees, fish, and earthworms. Not toxic to beneficial insects in normal concentrations that kill target insects.
Safety: Irritates eyes; wear a mask and gloves.
Einstein Oil
Neem Oil
Ingredients: Purified extract from neem seeds. Buy only cold-pressed oil that is stronger and contains all the natural ineredients. Do not use heat-processed neem oil. Cold-pressed oil also contains azadirachtin, the active ingredient in neem. Brand names include Neemguard®, Triact®, and Einstein Oil®. NOTE: Einstein Oil works the best of all brands tested.
Controls: Effective against spider mites, fungus gnats, and aphids. It is also a fungistat against powdery mildew and rust.
Caution: Neem oil is very effective against spider mites.
Mixing: Mix just before using in water with a pH below 7 and use a spreader-sticker. Agitate constantly while using to keep emulsified. Throw out excess.
Neem Oil
Application: Spray on foliage,
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