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Mind Over Matter

Mind Over Matter

Titel: Mind Over Matter Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Nora Roberts
Vom Netzwerk:
    “That’s right.”
    “I might have believed that a few weeks ago. The problem is I’ve seen you with Clarissa.”
    “That’s entirely different.”
    “True enough. I also saw you with Hastings tonight. You get wrapped up with your clients, A.J. You might be able to convince yourself they’re just signatures, but I know better. You’re a marshmallow.”
    Her brows drew together. “Ridiculous. Marshmallows get swallowed.”
    “They’re also resilient. I admire that in you.” He touched his lips to hers before she could move. “I’m beginning to realize I admire quite a bit in you.”
    She would have pulled away then, but he kept her close easily enough and continued to sway. “I don’t mix business and personal feelings.”
    “You lie.”
    “I might play with the truth,” she said, abruptly dignified, “but I don’t lie.”
    “You were ready to turn handsprings tonight when that movie hit.”
    A.J. tossed her hair out of her face. He saw too much too easily. A man wasn’t supposed to. “Have you any idea how I can use that as a lever? I’ll get Hastings a million-five for his next movie.”
    “You’ll ‘get Hastings,’” David repeated. “Even your phrasing gives you away.”
    “You’re picking up things that aren’t there.”
    “No, I think I’m finding things you’ve squirreled away. Have you got a problem with the fact that I’ve decided I like you?”
    Off-balance, she missed a step and found herself pressed even closer. “I think I’d handle it better if we still got on each other nerves.”
    “Believe me, you get on my nerves.” Until his blood was on slow boil, his muscles knotting and stretching and the need racing. “There are a hundred people in this room and my mind keeps coming back to the fact that I could have you out of what there is of that dress in thirty seconds flat.”
    The chill arrowed down her back. “You know that’s not what I meant. You’d be smarter to keep your mind on business.”
    “Smarter, safer. We’re looking for different things, A.J.”
    “We can agree on that, anyway.”
    “We might agree on more if we gave ourselves the chance.”
    She didn’t know exactly why she smiled. Perhaps it wasbecause it sounded like a fantasy. She enjoyed watching them, listening to them, without really believing in them. “David.” She rested her arms on his shoulders. “You’re a very nice man, on some levels.”
    “I think I can return that compliment.”
    “Let me spell things out for you in the way I understand best. Number one, we’re business associates at the moment. This precludes any possibility that we could be seriously involved. Number two, while this documentary is being made my first concern is, and will continue to be, Clarissa’s welfare. Number three, I’m very busy and what free time I have I use to relax in my own way—which is alone. And number four, I’m not equipped for relationships. I’m selfish, critical and disinterested.”
    “Very well put.” He kissed her forehead in a friendly fashion. “Are you ready to go?”
    “Yes.” A little nonplussed by his reaction, she walked off the dance floor to retrieve her jacket. They left the noise and crowd behind and stepped out into the cool early-morning air. “I forget sometimes that the glamour and glitz can be nice in small doses.”
    He helped her into the waiting limo. “Moderation in all things.”
    “Life’s more stable that way.” Cut off from the driver and the outside by thick smoked glass, A.J. settled back against the seat. Before she could let out the first contented sigh, David was close, his hand firm on her chin. “David—”
    “Number one,” he began, “I’m the producer of this project, and you’re the agent for one, only one, of the talents. That means we’re business associates in the broadest sense and that doesn’t preclude an involvement. We’re already involved.”
    There’d been no heat in his eyes on the dance floor, she thought quickly. Not like there was now. “David—”
    “You had your say,” he reminded her. “Number two, whilethis documentary is being made, you can fuss over Clarissa all you want. That has nothing to do with us. Number three, we’re both busy, which means we don’t want to waste time with excuses and evasions that don’t hold water. And number four, whether you think you’re equipped for relationships or not, you’re in the middle of one right now. You’d better get used to

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