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Mystic Mountains

Mystic Mountains

Titel: Mystic Mountains Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Tricia McGill
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refusing to pull their loads.
    Tiger swiped his hat on his thigh, roaring, "Stubborn coves; take half the load off the drays again and use the horses, men."
    The horses went up and down uncountable times, assisting the bullocks.
    "At this pace we'll probably still be going over these godforsaken mountains come Christmas," Johnny said.
    It looked as if he might be proven right wh en at the end of the day they'd only covered about a mile and a half. Everyone was so exhausted they barely had the will to pitch the tents and cook the salted beef for supper. Fortunately the damper made in a camp oven the previous night saved them that trouble.
    One large fire was lit instead of the usual two. With the party all enclosed by the night, the animals milling nearby for their safety, and the wind whistling through the branches of the trees, it made for an eerie scene.
    Thelma looked around after the meal was cleared away, asking, "Where 's Dougal? I haven't seen him since we ate, have you? I would have thought he'd want to be with you."
    Gillie sat nearby, smoking his pipe. He planned to spend this night in Thelma's tent, and she'd hinted she expected Dougal to share Isabella's. Though why she should think that when he'd treated Isabella with such contempt she had no idea.
    Poor Thelma always hoped for reconciliation between them. Isabella knew that would never happen; especially now. She shrugged, not caring tuppence where Dougal was. Let him go sit with the sheep. Anywhere but near her. Lily was also missing, Isabella noted. But that was nothing strange—the doxie had likely found a sleeping place with one or more of the men.
    Thelma pulled a face as she rose, both hands pressed to her lower back, saying, "Ah well, I 'm off to sleep. It's been a terrible day."
    Isabella nodded. "I 'll be off now too."
    Agnes was already asleep with Tim, the two curled together like two puppies. Suddenly a raucous laugh bounced off the trees, disturbing a flock of birds, who began to flap around in distress. One of the men on the other side of the camp shouted something she didn 't catch. But she heard Dougal's name and out of curiosity turned back to see what the hilarity was about. It was strange, she mused, that Dougal could be part of a joke after what had happened to little Dougie.
    Dougal was coming into the circle of light thrown by the fire. With his arm looped about Lily 's waist, he looked purposefully across the camp. He appeared to be searching Isabella out. And when he caught her eye he bent to plant a kiss on Lily's cheek. The harlot shoved him in the chest, laughed, and then kissed him full on the mouth.
    Isabella gasped with revulsion.
    Tiger stepped out of the shadows and stood in front of Dougal, menace in his stance. "What in hell's name d'you think you're up to, man?" he rasped. "Your wife needs you beside her in her time of grief and you're off with this baggage playing the fool." Lily began to snigger.
    "Get away from me." Dougal pushed at Tiger's chest, then made to walk past him.
    Tiger gripped his arm and said something low that Isabella couldn 't catch. Dougal lashed out, catching Tiger on the side of his neck. Tiger brought a fist up to Dougal's jaw. Dougal reeled backwards as the knuckle made contact and Lily screamed, both hands over her mouth as the two men grappled before tumbling to the ground.
    "I 'll kill you," Isabella heard Dougal snarl before Tiger punched him again.
    As they rolled over and over, nearing the fire, Tiger bellowed, "I ought to kill you, you blackguard. You 're a no-good son of the devil the way you treat Bella. Why would you want to go off with that doxie when you have a wife who's grieving for her child?" Tiger came onto his knees, clutching at Dougal's shoulders to shake him roughly.
    "That doxie, as you call her, doesn 't treat me like half a man. My precious wife doesn't want me, never has," Dougal sneered. "It's you she's always wanted; well, she can have you now. I never want anything more to do with her. She let my son get hisself killed. If she'd been watching over him like she's always watched over the other little bastard he'd still be alive."
    Tiger roared an oath and smashed his fist into Dougal 's face. Dougal's head flopped to one side. He went still and Lily screamed.
    "Shut up, woman," Tiger warned in an icy tone. It had the desired effect. With a long look at Dougal's still form she strutted off towards the other men.
    "Keep your filthy whore 's hands off him from now on, do

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