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Mystic Mountains

Mystic Mountains

Titel: Mystic Mountains Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Tricia McGill
Vom Netzwerk:
had one foot to the floor when the door opened and the man who'd been occupying her thoughts entered. He reared back in surprise when he caught sight of her halfway out of his chair.
    "Well, well, did you wait up for me?" he drawled, his voice as smooth and soft as honey.
    "I couldn't sleep."
    Tiger watched in amusement as her chin went up. What on earth was the chit doing out here at this time of night, in her night shift too? And a pretty sight she made in it. He 'd obviously awakened her, for her eyes still had a drowsy look he found immensely provocative. 
    "Do you make a habit of wandering about in the middle of the night?" He took his hat off and set it on the peg behind the door.
    "I'm not wandering about. I'm sitting," she said with a toss of the head that sent her silken hair swirling.
    Tiger swallowed. The red tresses were always half hidden beneath her cap. He 'd rarely seen her hair uncovered, and certainly not loose, since the night he'd rescued her. The shiny locks had grown so much. His fingers itched to touch it, to see if the strands felt as smooth and silky as they looked. He clasped his hands behind his back.
    She was standing now, quite wide awake and preparing to scamper back to her hole like a frightened animal. Tiger sauntered across the room, putting himself in line with her bedroom door. She would have to pass him to reach her sanctuary. "Perhaps you waited up for your dancing lessons, hmm?" Suppressing a grin he eyed her up and down, knowing she cringed beneath his scrutiny.
    "I don't want any lessons. I won't be needing them."
    Her defiance annoyed him. He lifted his brows and gave her the look Selena had often told him shouted insolence.
    Tiger moved closer, stalking her as she sidled along the side of the table. He felt rather like a tiger hunting a fawn, for that was what she looked like with her shadowed eyes and furrowed brow.
    "I wish to take you to the ball, miss. You will dance with me if I have to tie you to my body." He rushed forward when she made to dart past him.
    They both froze in shock when he brought her slender body up against his hard one. She whimpered. Tiger swallowed an oath.
    "Bella," he muttered, shaking his head. "Why do you fight me? I 'll never hurt you, you know." His fingers loosened on her arms, but he didn't release her. There was something almost heavenly about her, standing close to him in the gown that covered her from neck to ankle, yet revealed her shape as if it had been fashioned to lure a man. His pulse began to beat a steady rhythm he knew well as her full breasts pushed against the soft material, lightly brushing his shirt front.
    "Yes you will," she said, not knowing where that piece of knowledge sprung from. But instinctively she knew this man could hurt her more than any other living soul. It was up to her never to give him the means to break her heart.
    "What makes you say that? You know deep down I 'd never do anything to hurt anyone I consider part of my family. And you're that now."
    "No I 'm not." Frantically Isabella tried to free herself. Her body was reacting to his nearness in a way she knew he sensed.
    "As long as you' re in my care you are." He lowered his head until his nose was level with hers and their eyes met. For one moment she thought he was going to kiss her; longed for it even while she dreaded what it would do to her.
    "We have no one else, Bella, you and me. Your family's so far gone from you they may as well be dead, and mine are dead. We are each other's world now. You belong to me."
    "Oh no. " She shook her head. "I may be your servant and your property as long as I have my term to serve, but you'll never own me body and soul, Tiger Carstairs." She out-stared him, although every instinct told her to back away from the gleam in those penetrating eyes.
    "One day you' ll see how false those words are, Bella O'Shea."
    "Why are you doing this to me?" She moved back a pace. She might as well have saved her energy for he merely moved so close she could feel his breath on her face.
    "Doing what? All I asked is that you attend a ball with me. Let me tell you, Bella, I think you 're mighty strange to refuse such an offer." His hands went to her shoulders and squeezed. She jumped, her skin tingling.
    "That 's my point, you think me odd. So why insist I go with you?" She tried to shrug his hands off, but he increased the pressure.
    Tiger stared hard at her. "You 're a very beautiful woman, Bella. What man wouldn't want to be seen

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