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Rules of Prey

Rules of Prey

Titel: Rules of Prey Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: John Sandford
Vom Netzwerk:
had a backpack hung from the side of her machine to carry her books. She rolled the chair with her own arms, so she’d be strong. Lived by herself in an apartment on the back of a crumbling house six blocks from the law school.
    The maddog had already scouted the apartment. It was owned by an old woman, a widow, who lived in the front with a half-dozen calico cats. A student couple lived upstairs. The cripple lived in back. A ground-level ramp allowed her to roll right into the kitchen of the three-room unit. The news clips said she valued her singleness, her independence. She wore a steel ring on a chain around her neck; it had belonged to the boy killed in the wreck. She said she had to live for both of them now. More clips.
    The maddog had done his research in the library, findingher name in the indexes, reading the stories on microfilm. In the end, he was certain. She was Chosen.
    If he had the chance to take her. But he had been seen. Recognized. What would the morning bring? He paced for an hour, round and round the apartment, then threw on a coat and walked outside. Cold. A hard frost for sure. Winter coming.
    He walked down the block, down the next, past the cripple’s house. The upper apartment was lit up. The lower one, the old lady’s, was dark. He continued past and looked back at the side of the house; the cripple’s window was also dark. He glanced at his watch. One o’clock. She was top of the class, the news clips said. He licked his lips, felt the sting of the wind against his wet mouth. He needed her. He really did.
    He continued his walk, across the street, down another block, and another. The vision of the cripple rolling through his mind. He had been seen. Would his face be in the papers the next day? Would the police get a call? Might they be getting a call now? They could be driving to his apartment now, looking for him. He shivered, walked. The cripple floated up again. Sometime later, he found himself standing in front of a university dormitory. A new building, red brick. There was a phone inside. Davenport.
    The maddog walked into the dormitory in a virtual trance. A blonde coed in a white ski-team sweatshirt glanced at him as she went through the door into the inner lobby, past the check-in desk. The phone was mounted on a wall opposite the rest rooms. He pressed his forehead against the cool brick. He shouldn’t do it. He groped in his pocket for a quarter.
    “Davenport?” He sensed a sudden tension on the other end.
    “What is this game? What is this pig thing?”
    “Ah, could you—?”
    “You know who this is; and let me warn you. I’ve chosen the next one. And when you play games, you anger the One; and the Chosen will pay. I’m going to go look at her now. I’m that close. I am looking.” The words, in his own ears, sounded pleasantly formal. Dignified.
    He dropped the receiver back on the hook and walked back through the empty outer lobby, pushed through the glass doors. Pig farmer. His eyes teared and he bent his head and trudged toward home.
    The walk was lost in alternating visions of the Chosen and McGowan and quick cuts of Davenport in the clerk’s office, his face turning toward him, looking at him. The maddog paid no attention to where he was going, until he unexpectedly found himself standing outside his apartment. His feet had found their own way; it was like waking from a dream. He went in, began to take off his coat, hesitated, picked up the phone book, found the number, and dialed the Star-Tribune.
    “City desk.” The voice was gruff, hurried.
    “When do the papers come out?”
    “Should be on the street now. Anytime.”
    “Thanks.” The phone on the other end hit the hook before the word was fully out of his mouth.
    The maddog went out to his car, started it, drove across the Washington Street bridge into the downtown. There were two green newspaper boxes outside the Star-Tribune building. He pulled over, deposited his quarters, and looked at the front page: MADDOG A HOG FARMER ? TV STORY SAYS “ YES .”
    The story was taken directly from McGowan’s news broadcast. A brief telephone interview with the chief of police was appended: “I don’t know where she got the information, but I don’t know anything about it,” Daniel said. He did not, however, deny the possibility that the killer was a farmer. “Anything is possible at this point,” he added.
    There was no sketch. There was no description.
    He went back

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