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The Guardian

The Guardian

Titel: The Guardian Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: D.E. Hall
Vom Netzwerk:
know them so that he could pick them out of a crowd. Anyone else would only see a normal person, unaware of what they were really doing there. However, he knew. That’s why he was there. It was all about patience. Just like them. He would watch, observe, and be there if they needed him. He was their Guardian, and he took his job very seriously.

Part Three
    The Guardian Angel

Chapter 36
    It was a Saturday and the weather was almost perfect. It wasn’t too unbearably hot. There was a nice breeze coming in off the mountains from the north.
    The Guardian had driven in to Vegas and decided that he would cruise the parks. Being that the weather was so accommodating, he was sure that the parks would be full of children. Unfortunately the predators that stalked them would be there as well.
    He had taken the bike because, one, it was such a nice day and a damn sight easier on gas. The van was a workhorse. It was a powerful machine designed for a specific purpose. Cruising wasn’t part of that purpose. It consumed the fuel it burned in vast quantities. Therefore, for surveillance he used the bike.
    Today he chose Rainbow Family Park. It was right on Oakley between W. Charleston and W. Sahara. It wasn’t a big park, but it was busy. It didn’t seem to generate many homeless people. The homeless situation in Vegas was really out of control. Many of the parents didn’t want their children going to some of the parks. A large number of homeless used them for living quarters.
    He had parked the bike and was just making his way through the park. His senses were not really picking up anything. His sensors weren’t going off so he felt that things were relatively quiet here today. However, it was early.
    As he made his way around the park, he noticed a young girl sitting alone on one of the benches. He head was down, face in her hands. She was trembling slightly. The young girl was obviously crying. He slowed his pace, hands in his pockets he scanned the area. He looked to see if someone was with her. After a few minutes he was assured that there were no other persons with her. He made his way over to where she was sitting. He stood there for just a moment. He carefully and ever so cautiously sat down next to her.
    She noticed the stranger sit down. She raised her head ever so slightly, looked over and inched away down the bench away from him.
    “Are you feeling okay?” He asked.
    “Yes, I’m fine, thank you.” She said not looking at him.
    He reached into his pocked and pulled out a handkerchief and handed it to her. “Here, looks like you could use this.”
    She just sat there, not moving. She was scared to death and didn’t know what to do.
    “It’s okay really. I’m not here to hurt you. It’s just a hanky. Please, I don’t mind.” He said. “It’s even clean.” He added smiling at her.
    His voice was so soft and gentle. It had a comforting quality to it. She had never known anyone who sounded like that. She couldn’t explain just why. It just had a very soothing tone to it.
    Amber reached over and took the hanky, “Thank you.” She proceeded to wipe and dry her eyes with it. She finally got the courage to look up and look into the face of the man who sat next to her.
    As she looked at the man, she couldn’t help but notice that there was something about his eyes. There was this sincere, caring look to them. For some odd reason she wanted to unleash the flood of her problems on him.
    “Are you sure you’re okay? He asked. “You seem a little troubled to me. You know, it sometimes helps to get things off of your chest and talk about them.” He said with his smooth comforting voice. He crossed his arms in his lap. It was a non-threatening position. He didn’t want to her to feel fear in any way.
    “Nobody can help me with my problems. I don’t even know you, why should I tell you. I don’t know why I’m even talking to you now.” She said, scooting a bit further away. She was finding it hard to look away from him.
    “Well, that’s just it isn’t it? You don’t know me. I’m in no position to judge you and if you never see me again, all you’ve lost is the time to share your troubles with a stranger. You could even lie and I’d never even know it.”
    There was something about this man. She could see it in his eyes. Amber didn’t know why. She had this inner feeling that she could trust him and that was a little scary. She didn’t even know him. Worst of all, she thought she could trust

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