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The Guardian

The Guardian

Titel: The Guardian Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: D.E. Hall
Vom Netzwerk:
Amber and I don’t find any thing that would indicate a serious problem.” The doctor explained.
    “I just don’t get it, she’s so moody.” Jane said.
    “Well, I’ve taken some samples. We will run some tests. She says that’s she just worried about school, boy stuff. She is going through puberty and I think that that may have a lot to do with it. Her body is developing more than most other girls her age, and being, well, larger than other girls her age could be a difficult issue for her.” He explained.
    “I guess you may be right. When will you have the results from the tests?”
    “We should have something in about three days. I’ll give you a call as soon as we know anything. I wouldn’t worry too much though. I think everything will be fine.”
    As Jane left the doctor’s office, she didn’t feel that everything would be fine. She had a gut feeling that there was something terribly wrong and it was pissing her off. She just couldn’t put her finger on it.
    She would just have to be patient and keep her eyes open. Just handle it, whatever it was. That was the best she could.
    Chapter 34
    Lieutenant Halloway and Griffin were working another case. It was a drive by shooting that left two dead. The increased numbers of illegal immigrants coming in from Mexico was having a significant effect on the gang population.
    Because of this, the number of violent and gang related crimes had risen. The numbers of children that were missing was increasing. The attempted child nabbing, kidnappings and sexual attacks were on the rise as a result. They were becoming more blatant and bold about their carryings on. It was because they were here illegally that it made it so difficult to track them down.
    They were still looking for that puke “Jose” who had taken off after the mother found him molesting her eight year old daughter. He was almost sure that that piece of shit had made it back down into Mexico. He would never be found unless he came back and tried it again.
    Halloway half heartedly wished that his vigilante would go after that guy and find him. However, the truth was the puke had gone back to Mexico and the vigilante would not go there. He was sure of that. Having that thought it suddenly dawned on him that they hadn’t heard from their mysterious person in about a week or two now.
    It wasn’t that they weren’t looking for him. They had people scanning the courts, sifting and resifting through what little materials they had. They looked for anything that remotely resembled evidence. They always came up empty handed.
    The media had all but quieted down on the subject. Every once in awhile some shock jock on some talk show would stir the shit. Something similar would happen and the paper would make a short piece about it. Every now and then, another victim of his would pop up. It was never anything as serious as the first one they had found.
    He would have to give this stranger credit though. Whoever he was he had stirred up some serious interest and people were talking and showing genuine interest if not genuine concern about these predators that hunted down our young.
    It was just a matter of time though. In a town like Vegas, there was enough shit flowing around that something was bound to happen. Our mystery man would show himself, and he’d be back in the news.
    The only good thing was this stranger wasn’t killing his victims. That was the one thing that he didn’t understand but was glad that he didn’t have to deal with. Halloway had concluded some time back that this stranger was simply leaving a message. It was a rather blunt, very direct one. it was a message and people were taking notice. Moreover, it wasn’t just the victims.
    Their vigilante was becoming so popular that they were getting crank callers claiming to be The Vigilante or The Avenger or The Punisher or some other sick name. Therefore, they would go through the process, bring the guy in, go through the questioning process. They would never be able to give anything more than they had read in the papers.
    In every case it was SOP, standard operating procedure, for the cops to keep some little, pertinent piece of information about a case private from public knowledge. That’s how they could filter out the bullshit when they did get a bogus confession. If someone came in and knew some piece of secret information that only the perp or cops could know, then we’d sit up and take notice
    That’s what busted that idiot in

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