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The Mystery of the Queen's Necklace

The Mystery of the Queen's Necklace

Titel: The Mystery of the Queen's Necklace
Autoren: Julie Campbell
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    Mart and Jim exchanged looks and slipped back to their room, apparently unwilling to add to the tension already brewing.
    Trixie hardly noticed they were gone. Her feelings were all churned up. She was terribly ashamed of herself for getting mad in the first place, and wondering how she could possibly be mad at Honey. Honey was only being loyal, the way she was to all her friends. And McDuff was certainly being friendly to them all.
    But something inside Trixie kept her going. The more she wanted to stop, the more she couldn’t. And Honey seemed to be having the same problem.
    “You know, Trixie,” said Honey, “I was going to give that five pounds to him, but, oh, no! You were so afraid he’d catch a glimpse of my necklace. I’ll pay you back your old five pounds. I’ll even give you ten pounds. I happen to think that what he did was worth a lot more than that. He risked his life for me!”
    All of a sudden, Trixie didn’t feel angry anymore. She reached for Honey’s hand. “I wouldn’t trade you for a million pounds,” she said, and they both burst into tears.
    “Thank goodness the boys left when they did,” Honey sniffed as they got into their pajamas and brushed their hair. “Oh, Trix, I just hate fighting.”
    “Me, too,” Trixie said. “Especially with you.”
    Even with peace restored, it still took Trixie a long time to fall asleep. She couldn’t seem to get rid of her suspicions. It wasn’t just the five pounds I lent him, she was thinking. Miss Trask gave him twenty pounds to hire us a car tomorrow!
    Trixie punched her pillow and turned it over and over. We’ll never see that man again. I’m sure of it, she thought indignantly. At the same time, she was almost hoping he wouldn’t show up in the morning. She didn’t particularly want him along on their trip.
    Of course—she pounded her pillow again—that would be an awfully expensive way to get rid of him. Maybe Honey was right. Maybe she was jealous.... No! That was utterly ridiculous. Still, she couldn't think of any other good reason not to make the effort to like the tall Scotsman....
    If he showed up.

The Maroon Saloon ● 7

    SO, WHERE’S MCDUFF?” Trixie demanded, the minute Miss Trask and the Bob-Whites had finished breakfast the next morning. They were sitting at their table in the little hotel, making plans for their last day in London.
    “Your manner of referring to Mr. McDuff leaves something to be desired,” Miss Trask said dryly. “And as to his not being here yet, he told me not to expect him until noon. He is anxious to get his English money at the Exchange before we leave London. He wants to pay you back, Trixie. After that, he plans to go to the Auto Hire to rent us a car, and he has also kindly offered to check with the police again, concerning Honey’s handbag. He has a lot to do.”
    “Oh.” Trixie felt like a balloon that had just been pricked by a pin.
    “Would that you evinced such alacrity and celerity every Monday morning,” Mart teased her.
    “I don’t know about celery, but I am dying to get to Stratford,” she said impatiently. “I have a hunch that’s where we’re going to solve the mystery of Honey’s inheritance.”
    “I’m with Trix,” Honey said loyally. “And besides, the sooner we get out of this city, the better.”
    “I’m glad to see you two are on speaking terms again,” said Jim, “but I don’t understand why you want to leave. We haven’t seen half the sights yet.”
    “Well, there’s one sight I don’t ever want to see again.” Honey shuddered. “And that’s that horrible pickpocket.”
    “To make the best of the time we have left,” Miss Trask suggested, “you might like to take the cruise down the Thames to Greenwich. You’ll see the Houses of Parliament, the Tower and the Tower Bridge, and a great deal more of London’s waterfront. Then there’s the Maritime Museum at Greenwich, with models of sloops and steamers, old maps, charts, and early instruments of navigation. You can go aboard an old China tea clipper, the Cutty Sark, and see a fascinating collection of carved figureheads taken from wrecked ships.”
    “Greenwich.” Jim’s green eyes sparkled. “Is that where they have the prime meridian? You know— what all the world’s time zones are measured by?”
    “Right,” Mart said enthusiastically. “Let’s go!”
    “But Trixie and I wanted to do a little shopping in London,” Honey said. “We have to get some souvenirs for
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