looked in the glove box for the registration. “I’m sorry, officer. The registration doesn’t seem to be here.”
He smirked. “Why doesn’t that surprise me?”
She pushed her sunglasses to the top of her head. “I don’t know. Happens all the time, huh?” Isn’t this where he was supposed to notice her pretty brown eyes and winning smile and let her go with just a warning?
“Ma’am, please step out of the car.”
She blinked in surprise. “Excuse me? For what?”
“Ma’am.” He shifted the hand on his holster. “I asked you to please get of the car.”
“Yes. Okay.” She fumbled with the lap belt and then with the door handle of the unfamiliar car. She stepped out on to the pavement feeling humiliated. There was a lot of traffic. She would swear that cars were slowing down and people were staring at her. Funny how no one had been interested when she was broken down on the side of the road, but they all wanted to see this.
“I’m in a hurry, but I wasn’t speeding,” she explained.
“Please step around to the back of the car here, ma’am.”
“Is something wrong?”
“Anything you want to tell me?”
“I’m late?”
“Put your hands on the trunk of the car, please.”
Kasey took a step back from the officer. “Now wait a second.”
He dipped his head in a very serious way. His voice was calm but firm. “Ma’am. Do as I say, please.”
She rolled her eyes, shaking her head.
Unbelievable. What else could go wrong?
She spun around and placed her hands on the trunk of the car. Just like on Cops .
“Do you have any weapons or anything I need to know about on your person or in the vehicle?”
“No-oo.” Kasey suddenly felt guilty though she knew she had no reason to. “Absolutely not.”
The officer peered into the car. “What’s in the bag?”
“Camera equipment.”
“Out taking pictures?”
“I’m late for a shoot in Richmond. I’m a photographer.”
“This your car?”
She shook her head. “No.”
“I didn’t think so.” He pulled one arm behind her back.
Her eyes shot wide. She looked over her shoulder at the officer as he pulled her other arm behind her back.
“What the heck are you doing?” Kasey said. “I didn’t do anything. I wasn’t even speeding.”
She heard a zipping sound. Her hands were bound behind her. “That’s what happens, ma’am, when you steal a car. You get caught eventually.”
“Steal? No. You don’t understand.”
He pushed her toward the cruiser. Passers-by stared.
“Yes, ma’am. I’m sure you have a story to tell me. They all do. We’ll do that in town.”
“I told you the truth. My Porsche broke down. I borrowed this car to get to my meeting.”
“Your Porsche?” His look told her that he didn’t buy her story.
“I swear. Run the tag. You can check.”
“You'll have to just get in the back of my Caprice Classic because my Ferrari is in the shop,” he said with a smirk.
“Go back and look. My car is on the side of Route 58.”
“Whose car is this?”
Her mind went blank.
What was his name?
“He stopped to help me. It was....”
Come on, what was his name?
“It wasn’t Nick…It was Scott.”
“Yeah, okay. Good guess from the license plate.” The officer nodded at the vanity tag on the back of the car that read GR8SCOTT.
“I promise I’m not lying.” She pulled away from him, but he grabbed her and guided her to the back of his car. He pushed down on the back of her head and forced her onto the backseat of the cruiser.
“This can’t be happening to me.”
The officer walked back to the T-Bird. He removed the keys from the ignition, pushed the lock on the door, and slammed it shut. He sauntered back to the cruiser as if he thought he’d just saved the world. Kasey was so angry she couldn’t even look at him.
He got into the car and snatched the transceiver from the dash to call in the details of her arrest. She didn’t bother to listen. It didn’t sound like anyone else was listening to him either, because no one responded.
There was no way she’d get to her meeting on time now. Just when things had been going so well, too. Her last hope drifted out of sight as they pulled onto the road heading to who-the-heck-knew-where.
Kasey leaned forward and spoke through the partition that protected him from her. “Sir. Excuse me?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
Yechh. If he called her ma’am once more, she’d clobber the little guy. Good thing he’d tied up her hands.
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