The Science of Discworld IV
the day it was minted. Once physicists had swallowed the proposition that atoms exist, which they did just over a century ago, a few began to wonder if it might be a mistake to take the name literally. In 1897 Joseph John Thomson showed that they had a point when he discovered cathode rays, tiny particles emanating from atoms. These particles were named electrons.
You can hang around waiting for atoms to emit new particles, you can encourage them to do so, or you can make them an offer they can’t refuse by bashing them into things to see what breaks off and where it goes. In 1932 John Cockroft and Ernest Walton built a small particle accelerator and memorably ‘split the atom’. It soon emerged that atoms are made from three types of particle: electrons, protons and neutrons. These particles are extremely small, and even the most powerful microscopes yet invented cannot make them visible –though atoms can now be ‘seen’ using very sensitive microscopes that exploit quantum effects.
All of the elements – hydrogen, helium, carbon, sulphur and so on – are made from these three particles. Their chemical properties differ because their atoms contain different numbers of particles. There are some basic rules. In particular, the particles have electrical charges: negative for the electron, positive for the proton, and zero for the neutron. So the number of protons should be the same as the number of electrons, to make the total charge zero. A hydrogen atom is the simplest possible, with one electron and one proton; helium has two electrons, two protons and two neutrons.
The main chemical properties of an atom depend on the number of electrons, so you can throw in different numbers of neutrons without changing the chemistry dramatically. However, it does change a bit. This explains the existence of isotopes: variants of a given element with subtly different chemistry. An atom of the commonest form of carbon, for instance, has six electrons, six protons and six neutrons. There are other isotopes, which have between two and sixteen neutrons. Carbon-14, used by archaeologists to date ancient organic materials, has eight neutrons. An atom of the commonest form of sulphur has sixteen electrons, sixteen protons and sixteen neutrons; 25 isotopes are known.
Electrons are especially important for the atom’s chemical properties because they are on the outside, where they can make contact with other atoms to form molecules. The protons and neutrons are clustered closely together at the centre of the atom, forming its nucleus. In an early theory, electrons were thought to orbit the nucleus like planets going round the Sun. Then this image was replaced by one in which an electron is a fuzzy probability cloud, which tells us not where the particle
, but where it is
to be found if you try to observe it. Today, even that image is seen as an oversimplification of some pretty advanced mathematics in which the electron is nowhere and everywhere at the same time.
Those three particles – electrons, protons and neutrons – unified the whole of physics and chemistry. They explained the entire list of chemical elements from hydrogen up to californium, the most complex naturally occurring element, and indeed various short-lived man-made elements of even greater complexity. To get matter in all its glorious variety, all you needed was a short list of particles, which were ‘fundamental’ in the sense that they couldn’t be split into even smaller particles. It was simple and straightforward.
Of course, it didn’t
simple. First, quantum mechanics had to be introduced to explain a vast range of experimental observations about matter on its smallest scales. Then several other equally fundamental particles turned up, such as the photon – a particle of light – and the neutrino – an electrically neutral particle that interacts so rarely with everything else that it would be able to pass though thousands of miles of solid lead without difficulty. Every night, countless neutrinos generated by nuclear reactions in the Sun pass right through the solid Earth, and through you, and hardly any of them have any effect on anything.
Neutrinos and photons were only the beginning. Within a few years there were more fundamental particles than chemical elements, which was a bit worrying because the explanation was becoming more complicated than the things it was trying to explain. But eventually physicists worked out that
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