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Dead Man's Grip

Dead Man's Grip

Titel: Dead Man's Grip Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Peter James
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Specimen 2: 10.45 a.m. – 55 .
    With her hand shaking so much she could barely hold the pen he gave her, she signed her name.
    ‘I’m going to take you to a cell where you’ll wait for your solicitor to arrive,’ he said, signing the same form along the bottom. ‘You will be interviewed with your solicitor.’
    ‘I have a really important meeting with a client,’ she said. ‘I have to get to the office.’
    He gave her a sympathetic smile. ‘I’m afraid that everyone involved in the incident has something important to do today, but it’s not up to me.’ He pointed to the door and gently, holding her right arm, escorted her towards it. Then he stopped and answered his radio phone as it crackled into life.
    ‘Dan Pattenden,’ he said. There was a brief silence. ‘I see. Thank you, guv. I’m up at Custody now with my prisoner.’
    Prisoner. The word made her shudder.
    ‘Yes, sir, thank you.’ He clipped the phone back in its holder on his chest and turned to her. His expression was blank, unreadable. ‘I’m sorry, but I’m now going to repeat the caution I gave you earlier at the collision scene. Mrs Chase, I’m rearresting you now on suspicion of causing death by driving while under the influence of alcohol. You do not have to say anything, but it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something which you may later rely on in court. Anything you say may be given in evidence.’
    She felt her throat constricting, as if a ligature was being tightened. Her mouth was suddenly parched.
    ‘The cyclist has died?’ Her words came out almost as a whisper.
    ‘Yes, I’m afraid so.’
    ‘It wasn’t me,’ she said. ‘I didn’t hit him. I crashed because I was – because I avoided him. I swerved to avoid him because he was on the wrong side of the road. I would have hit him if I hadn’t.’
    ‘You’d best save all that for your interview.’
    As he propelled her across the custody reception floor, past the large, round central station, she turned to him in sudden panic and said, ‘My car – I need to get the RAC to collect it – I need to get it repaired – I—’
    ‘We’ll take care of it. I’m afraid it’s going to have to be impounded. ’
    They began walking down a narrow corridor. They stopped at a green door with a small glass panel. He opened it and, to her horror, ushered her into a cell.
    ‘You’re not putting me in here?’
    His phone crackled into life again and he answered it. As he did so, she stared at the cell in bewilderment. A small, narrow room with an open toilet and a hand basin set into the wall. At the far end was a hard bench, with a blue cushion behind it propped up against the wall. There was a sanitized reek of disinfectant.
    PC Pattenden ended the call and turned back to her. ‘This is where you will have to wait until your solicitor gets here.’
    ‘But – but what about my car? When will it go to be repaired?’
    ‘That will depend on what the Senior Investigating Officer decides, but it could be months before your car gets released.’
    ‘Yes, I’m sorry. It will be the same for all the vehicles today.’
    ‘What – what about my stuff in it?’
    ‘You’ll be able to collect personal belongings from the car pound it’s taken to. You’ll be notified where that is. I have to get back now, so I’m leaving you. OK?’
    It was not OK. It was so totally not OK. But she was too shocked to argue. Instead she just nodded lamely.
    Then he shut the door.
    Carly stared up at a CCTV camera staring down at her. Then she turned towards the bench and looked at the frosted, panelled
window set high above it. She sat down, not bothering with the cushion, trying to think straight.
    But all she could focus on was the accident, replaying over and over in her mind. The white van behind her. The image of the cyclist underneath the lorry.
    There was a knock on the door and it opened. She saw a short, plump woman in a white shirt with black lapels and the word Reliance Security embroidered across her chest. The woman had a trolley laden with tired-looking paperback books.
    ‘Something from the library?’ she asked.
    Carly shook her head. Her thoughts suddenly flashed to Tyler. He was staying late after school, having a cornet lesson.
    Moments later the door shut again.
    She suddenly felt badly in need of a pee, but there was no way she was going to squat here with a camera watching her. Then she felt a sudden surge of

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