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Light in the Shadows

Light in the Shadows

Titel: Light in the Shadows Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: A. Meredith Walters
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though it was far from the jovial tone she had used with Maggie.  Her eyes darted between us.  Maggie moved in closer to my side.  It was a small movement, but it spoke volumes.  And fuck if it didn’t make all of the earlier bad stuff that was still floating around in my head, recede just a bit.
                    “Sorry, Rach.  Clay picked me up.  It was a last minute thing and I forgot to text you the change in plans.”  Maggie’s voice was sharp, as though daring her friend to question her.
                    Rachel must have picked up on Maggie’s mood, because she stayed resolutely quiet, only lifting her shoulder in an offhanded shrug.  “I guess I’ll see you later then.”  Rachel held her hand up in a wave and went on down the hallway. 
                    “Well, that was…awkward,” I mused sarcastically.  Maggie slammed her locker shut and turned to face me. 
                    “Yeah, it was.” She gave me a weak smile and I reached down and grabbed her hand.  I refused to let anything, not Maggie’s friends, not the gossip obsessed jackasses at school and certainly not my insane paranoia and self-doubt piss on my cornflakes. 
                    “I’ve got track practice after school.  But do you want to do something after?” Maggie asked as we came to a stop in front of her classroom.  I noticed the way everyone stared as they moved past us.  Shit, did they really have nothing better to do than worry about what we were talking about?  I didn’t do fishbowl living.  I was already feeling the strain of being the focus of way too much attention.
                    “Uh, I can’t.  I have an appointment right after school, then I have to work,” I said distractedly, trying not to get annoyed as I saw a group of girls stop and whisper behind their hands as they watched us.
                    “An appointment?” Maggie asked.  I nodded, still too fixated on the gossiping going on around us.  I felt cool fingers on my chin, pulling my face around so that I was looking down into Maggie’s beautiful brown eyes.  Eyes that made me forget my own name.
      “Don’t look at them.  Look at me Clay,” she commanded and I was powerless to resist her. A smile danced on her lips as I ran my hand through my hair.  “What appointment do you have?” she asked.
                    “Therapy,” I said shortly, dropping my voice so that only she could hear me.  No sense in announcing it to half the student body. 
    Maggie’s face lit up, which took me aback.  “Really?  I’m so glad to hear that.”  My shoulders relaxed at her easy acceptance.  I finally returned her smile.
                    “I go twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays,” I admitted as Maggie squeezed my hand. 
                    “Have I told you yet that I’m so proud of you?” she whispered, stepping in closer so that our chests brushed against one another.  I wanted to grab her and kiss her right there.  And I would have if Daniel hadn’t picked that exact moment to come on the scene.
                    “The bell’s about to ring, Mags.  Hurry it up.”  Daniel stood to our side and seemed ready to wait for Maggie to follow him.  I met Daniel’s eyes and caught the unspoken communication he broadcast my way.  Don’t fuck her over again.
                    Reading you loud and clear, buddy.  I communicated back.
                    I backed away from Maggie and gave her a last smile.  “I’ll see you later,” I said, trying not to get irritated as Daniel began to shepherd her away.  He was so fucking transparent.  But I grudgingly appreciated how he looked after her. 
                    After all, he had been the one to make sure she was okay after all I had done to her.  I don’t think I was in any position to be annoyed with him.  Not where Maggie was concerned.
                    “Lunch?” Maggie said and I darted another glance at Daniel.  Yeah, I didn’t think he’d be joining the Maggie and Clay bandwagon anytime soon.  But I’d have to deal with that.  For Maggie.  Because Daniel would have to see eventually that I meant to do right by his friend.  I knew I had a lot of proving to do and I was determined to do it.
                    “Not today, I have to

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