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Light in the Shadows

Light in the Shadows

Titel: Light in the Shadows Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: A. Meredith Walters
Vom Netzwerk:
                  I felt lightheaded and even though I tried like hell to calm myself down, having Daniel in here with me at such a vulnerable moment, made it one hundred times worse.  “Just get out.” My words came out of my mouth in a distorted hush.
                    “Like hell.  You look like you’re going to keel over and I don’t need that on my conscience.”  I heard Daniel move across the bathroom and he was suddenly beside me.  Just freaking great, he was going to play hero to the nut job.  Not what I needed right now.
                    “I’m fine.  Just leave,” I growled. 
                    I heard Daniel turn on the water followed by a cold, wet paper towel thrust into my hand.  “Just put it on your face.  It might help.”  I was sweating like a pig and shaking like I was having a seizure.  But I took his advice and pressed the cloth to my face. 
                    “You just need to breathe.  One at a time.” Daniel’s voice became calm and direct and I found myself responding to it. 
                    It could have been ten minutes or an hour later, but I finally felt my heart slow down and my head clear.  When I opened my eyes, Daniel was still standing there.  And I didn’t see any judgment on his face.  This was not the Daniel Lowe I was used to dealing with.
                    “You cool?” he asked, taking the paper towel from my hand and tossing it in the trash. 
                    “Yeah, I’m cool,” I replied.  Good ol’ shame and embarrassment were quickly making an appearance.  Of all people to see me at my worst, it had to be Daniel Fucking Lowe. 
                    “I used to get those.  Panic attacks, I mean.  After my parents split up and my mom moved me in with her and her fuck-wad of a boyfriend.  They can be pretty intense.”  I shot Daniel a look from the corner of my eye.  Was he being for real right now?  Sharing personal stories and all that kumbaya crap?
                    “Yeah, they can be,” I admitted, still reluctant to share anything with the guy who had never bothered to hide the fact that he didn’t trust me or even particularly like me.  Daniel reached down and picked up the bag that I had thrown on the floor.
                  He handed it to me and I took it, slinging it over my shoulder.  I jammed my hands into my pockets and met Daniel’s stare head on.  No sense in being a pussy about it. 
                    “Thanks,” I said begrudgingly.  Maybe I shouldn’t be such a dick to the guy who had just helped me out.  But the last thing I wanted was to acknowledge what had happened to Maggie’s best friend and the leader of the anti-Clay club.  Because I know if there was one, this dude would be the president.
                    Daniel ran his hand over his head and darted his eyes around the restroom.  “Look, man.  I know I haven’t been the most…uh…supportive of you and Maggie.  And I’m still not sure how I feel seeing the two of you all up in each other’s asses again.  But, I know you’re a decent guy.  So for now, I’m reserving judgment.”
                    I snorted. “Wow, that’s really big of you,” I said sarcastically.  Daniel smiled sheepishly.
                    “Okay, so that sounded way assier than I meant it to.  What I’m trying to say, is I know you’re dealing with shit.  A lot of shit by the looks of it.  And for Maggie’s sake…well…and yours too, I won’t be the speed bump on your road to the candy castle or whatever.” 
                    His metaphors were confusing the hell out of me but I guess I got what he was trying to say.  “I don’t know about any candy castle.  Whatever the hell that’s supposed to mean.  But I appreciate where you’re trying to go with that.” My lips quirked in a grin and Daniel took my cue and laughed.  The tension that had been building popped like a bubble.
                    We left the bathroom and walked down the quiet hallway.  We were already twenty minutes late for class.  Shit.  “So, if you don’t mind me asking, what the hell brought all that on back there?”  Daniel asked and I clamped down immediately.  It was an age old response to people digging into my crap.

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