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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various Authors
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might faint. But Oberon was not just any man. He was Dr. Oberon Ophelian, and Oberon was not a man to allow himself to succumb to weakness.
    Sam reached for his hands and squeezed. "It will get better."
    "I want to see light; I want to breathe air, feel the sunlight." The deep yearning in Oberon's voice took Sam by surprise. He'd kept himself so well controlled all these years. But something of what he suffered seemed to come through in that heartfelt wish.
    Sam felt empathy for Oberon and his love and compassion for this man and what he'd suffered all these years, reinforced his purpose. This was the right thing to do. There was no other course.
    Another guard opened the elevator door and Sam and Oberon followed him to the equalizing chamber.
    "Better make it four hours rather than the usual two," Sam said. "I've not been feeling well of late and the visit below has taken quite a bit out of me. Can you arrange it?" From his coat he pulled out a smaller purse of coins and handed it to the guard. The guard nodded then closed the door sealing them into the chamber.
    "Why did you have him double the time? I want gone from this place," Oberon said petulantly.
    "I know. But if you don't want your brain to burst, you'll have patience. It's a necessary precaution. We should stay longer, but four hours will have to do. I hope it's enough."
    "It will be," Oberon said with more confidence than Sam felt. He sat down on the metal shelf next to Sam. "Oh, darling, what plans I have for this place. Once we are free, and get to the submarine, this place will be no more. I'll make them a very special present. You have my word on that. I will show them who Dr. Oberon Ophelian is. They will rue the day they ever put me here."
    Sam dared not think too closely about Oberon's plans. Now, the hate was close and far too fertile. He could only hope with distance, and some time— which he had built into their travels across the continent in order to reach their destination— Oberon would become more reasonable. His desire to destroy everyone might be diluted. Sam wanted Oberon out of this place, but he didn't want him creating havoc that would kill people. He had vowed not to let that happen, and no matter how much he loved Oberon, he would do his utmost to control the situation. And he'd use any means he had to keep Oberon under control. Well, almost any means.
    "Rest now. You'll need all your strength once we reach the top."
    "You don't think it's dangerous for us to stay here too long? What if they discover—"
    "Don't. None of them will rouse below for some time yet. And that last dope ball will keep the guard well drugged until we've left the city and disappeared into the countryside."
    Oberon leaned back and closed his eyes. "I leave these details to you, darling. You have helped to get me this far. I am completely in your hands."
    How little Oberon really knew of what lay ahead. And maybe that was best. Sam closed his eyes and leaned back. He would not rest though until they were well out of the city. He tried not to think about Bobby.
    Four hours and twenty minutes later when the doors to the elevator squeaked open on the wharf landing, Sam had to drag Oberon out of the elevator because he was so overwhelmed by the glare of the sun. Sam reached into his pocket and pulled out a pair of specially tinted goggles.
    "Put these on. It will help you to acclimate to the brightness and protect your eyes from damage." He shoved them over Oberon's head and adjusted them over his eyes. "Your skin should be fine for the moment. Once we reach the metropolis, with the fumes from the manufactories, the sun's rays don't burn the flesh as it once had a way of doing. Come, we should hurry if we want to catch the last train out of Mission Point heading back into the city. We have to return to Ragstown Station in the metropolis."
    "Why there? Why can't we continue on from here?" Oberon asked, now adjusting to the open air, sunlight, and freedom. "I need to change first— I'm not at ease in another man's, or automaton's skin. We shall stop at a shop on the way to the train station."
    "I have arranged for that. I have baggage, and funds, stowed in a safe place at Ragstown Station. All is prepared. Come, Oberon, we must hurry. Try not to be so impatient."
    "As you wish. Lead the way… sir."
    Sam led Oberon along the wharf, needing to practically drag him along as he would stop and stare, so overcome by the workings of humankind which he had

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