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Shakespeares ruhelose Welt

Shakespeares ruhelose Welt

Titel: Shakespeares ruhelose Welt
Autoren: Neil MacGregor
Vom Netzwerk:
Aebischer, Jacobean drama: A reader’s guide to essential criticism (Basingstoke 2012).
    John H. Astington, Actors and acting in Shakespeare’s time (Cambridge 2010).
    Jonathan Bate, The genius of Shakespeare (London und Basingstoke 1997).
    –, The soul of the age: the life, mind and world of William Shakespeare (London 2008).
    – und Dora Thornton, Shakespeare: staging the world (London 2012).
    John D. Cox und David Scott Kastan (Hg.), A new history of early English drama (New York 1997).
    Gregory Doran, The Shakespeare almanac (London 2009).
    Stuart Gillespie, Shakespeare’s books: a dictionary of Shakespeare’s sources (London 2001).
    Frank Kermode, Shakespeare’s Language (London 2000).
    Frederick Kiefer, Shakespeare’s visual theatre: staging the personified characters (Cambridge 2003).
    Charles Nicholl, The Lodger: Shakespeare on Silver Street (London 2008).
    James Shapiro, 1599: a year in the life of William Shakespeare (London 2005).
    S. Shoenbaum, William Shakespeare: a documentary life (New York und Oxford 1987).
    Terence G. Schoone-Jongen, Shakespeare’s companies: William Shakespeare’s early career and the acting companies, 1577–1694 (Farnham 2008).
    Tiffany Stern, Documents of performance in early modern England (Cambridge 2009).
    Peter Thomson, Shakespeare’s theatre (London und New York 1983).
    Kapitel Eins
England erobert die Welt
    Peter Barber, «Was Elizabeth I interested in maps?», in: Transactions of the Royal Historical Society 14 (2004), S. 185–98.
    J. B. Hartley, «Silence and secrecy: the hidden agenda of cartography in early modern Europe», in: Imago Mundi 40 (1988), S. 57–76.
    N. J. W. Thrower (Hg.), Sir Francis Drake and the famous voyage, 1577–1580 (Berkeley/London 1984).
    Catherine Delano Smith, «Map ownership in sixteenth-century Cambridge: the evidence of probate inventories», in: Imago Mundi 47 (1995), S. 67–93.
    Kapitel Zwei
Kommunion und Gewissen
    Eamon Duffy, «Bare ruined choirs: remembering Catholicism in Shakespeare’s England», in: Richard Dutton, Alison Findlay and Richard Wilson (Hg.), Theatre and religion: Lancastrian Shakespeare (Manchester 2003), S. 40–57.
    Edgar I. Fripp, Shakespeare’s Stratford (London 1928).
    Steven Marx, Shakespeare and the Bible (Oxford 2000).
    J. R. Mulryne, «Professional players in the Guild Hall, Stratford-upon-Avon, 1568–1597», in: Shakespeare Survey 60 (2007), S. 1–22.
    Kapitel Drei
Gaumenfreuden im Theater
    Julian Bowsher, Shakespeare’s London theatreland; archaeology, history, Museum of London Archaeology (London 2012).
    Julian Bowsher und Pat Miller, The Rose and the Globe – playhouses of Shakespeare’s Bankside, Southwark: excavations 1988–90 , Museum of London Archaeology Monograph 48 (London 2009).
    Joan Fitzpatrick, Food in Shakespeare: early modern dietaries and the plays (Aldershot 2007).
    Michael Hattaway, Elizabethan popular theatre (reprinted Oxford 2005).
    Chris Meads, Banquets set forth: banqueting in English Renaissance literature (Manchester und New York 2001).
    Kapitel Vier
Leben ohne Elisabeth
    Margaret Aston, The King’s Bedpost: reformation and iconography in a Tudor group portrait (Cambridge 1993).
    Lisa Hopkins, Drama and the succession to the crown, 1561–1633 (Farnham 2011).
    Lisa Jardine, «Gloriana rules! The waves; or, the advantage of being excommunicated (and a woman)», in: Transactions of the Royal Historical Society , 6th series, 14 (2004), S. 209–22.
    P. J. Matthews, «Portraits of Philip II as King of England», in: Burlington Magazine 142 (2000), S. 13–19.
    Louis Montrose, The subject of Elizabeth: authority, gender and representation (Chicago 2006).
    Kapitel Fünf
Fechten und Protzen
    Tobias Capwell, The noble art of the sword: fashion and fencing in Renaissance Europe, 1520–1630 (London 2012).
    Andrew Gurr, Playgoing in Shakespeare’s London (3. Aufl., Cambridge 2004).
    Joan Ozark Holman, «Draw if you be men: Saviolo’s significance for Romeo and Juliet », in: Shakespeare Quarterly 42 (1994), S. 163–89.
    Angus Patterson, Fashion and armour in Renaissance Europe: proud lookes and brave attire (London 2009).
    Kapitel Sechs
Europa: Niederlagen der Vergangenheit
    Patricia A. Cahill, «Nation formation and the English history plays», in: Richard Dutton und Jean E. Howard (Hg.), A companion to Shakespeare’s works: the histories (Oxford 2006), S. 70–93.
    W. H. St John Hope, «The funeral monument and chantry chapel of King Henry the Fifth»,
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