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Shakespeares ruhelose Welt

Shakespeares ruhelose Welt

Titel: Shakespeares ruhelose Welt
Autoren: Neil MacGregor
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in: Archaeologia 65 (1913), S. 129–83.
    Lisa Monnas, «Textiles from the Funerary Achievement of Henry V», in: Jenny Stratford (Hg.), The Lancastrian Court , Harlaxton Medieval Studies 13 (Donington 2003), S. 125–54.
    Brian Walsh, Shakespeare, the Queen’s Men and the Elizabethan performance of history (Cambridge 2009).
    Kapitel Sieben
Irland: Niederlagen der Gegenwart
    Paul E. J. Hammer, Elizabeth’s wars (Basingstoke 2003).
    Graham Holderness, «What is my nation: Shakespeare and national identities», in Emma Smith (Hg.), Shakespeare’s histories (Oxford 2004), S. 225–45.
    Willy Maley, «The Irish text and subtext of Shakespeare’s histories», in: Richard Dutton und Jean E. Howard (Hg.), A companion to Shakespeare’s works: the histories (Oxford 2006), S. 94–124.
    Hiram Morgan, «’Never any realm worse governed’: Queen Elizabeth and Ireland», in: Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, 6th series, 14 (2004), S. 295–309.
    Andrew Murphy, «Shakespeare’s Irish history», in: Emma Smith (Hg.), Shakespeare’s histories (Oxford 2004), S. 203–24.
    Michael Neill, «Broken English and broken Irish: nation, language and the optics of power in Shakespeare’s histories», in: Shakespeare Quarterly 45 (1994), S. 1–32.
    Kapitel Acht
Städtisches Leben, städtische Konflikte
    James Holstun, «Riot and rebellion in Shakespeare’s histories», in: Richard Dutton und Jean E. Howard (Hg.), A Companion to Shakespeare’s works: the histories (Oxford 2006), S. 194–219.
    Alexander Leggatt, Jacobean public theatre (London und New York 1992), insbes. Kap. 2: «The audiences and their culture», S. 28–48.
    Charles Whitney, «’Usually in the working daies’: playgoing journeymen, apprentices and servants in guild records, 1582–92», in: Shakespeare Quarterly 50 (1999), S. 433–58.
    Kapitel Neun
Neue Wissenschaft, alte Magie
    Silke Ackermann and Louise Devoy, «’The Lord of the smoking mirror’: objects associated with John Dee in the British Museum», in: Studies in History and Philosophy of Science (2011).
    Deborah E. Harkness, «Shows in the showstones: a theatre of alchemy and apocalypse in the angel conversations of John Dee (1527–1608/9)», in: Renaissance Quarterly 49 (1996), S. 707–37.
    Glyn Parry, The arch-conjuror of England: John Dee (New Haven und London 2011).
    Keith Sturgess, Jacobean private theatre (London und New York 1987), insbes. Kap. 5 «’A Quaint Device’: The Tempest at the Blackfriars», S. 73–96.
    Benjamin Wooley, The Queen’s conjuror: the science and magic of Dr Dee (2001).
    Kapitel Zehn
«Plag’ und Mühe»
    Julian Goodare (Hg.), The Scottish witchhunt in context (Manchester 2002).
    Anthony Harris, Night’s black agents: witchcraft and magic in seventeenth-century English drama (Manchester 1980).
    Diane Purkiss, «Shakespeare, ghosts and popular folklore», in: Stuart Gillespie und Neil Rhodes (Hg.), Shakespeare and Elizabethan popular culture (London 2006), S. 136–54.
    David Stevenson, Scotland’s last royal wedding: the marriage of James Viand Anne of Denmark (Edinburgh 1997).
    Keith Thomas, Religion and the decline of magic (Aylesbury 1971).
    Kapitel Elf
Verrat und Verschwörung
    Nicholas W. S. Cranfleld, «George Carleton (1557/8–1628), bishop of Chichester», in: Dictionary of National Biography .
    David Cressy, «The Protestant calendar and the vocabulary of celebration in early modern England», in: Journal of British Studies 29 (1990), S. 31–52.
    Carol Z. Wiener, «The beleaguered isle: a study of Elizabethan and early Jacobean anti-Catholicism», in: Past and Present 51 (1971), S. 27–62.
    Kapitel Zwölf
«Sex and the City»
    John Drakakis, «Shakepeare and Venice», in: Michele Marrapodi (Hg.), Italian culture in the drama of Shakespeare and his contemporaries (Aldershot 2008), S. 169–86.
    Graham Holderness, Shakespeare and Venice (Farnham 2010).
    Carole Levin und John Watkins, «Shakespeare and the decline of the Venetian Republic», in: Shakespeare’s foreign worlds: national and transnational identities in the Elizabethan age (Ithaca und London 2009), S. 111–44.
    James Shapiro, Shakespeare and the Jews (New York 1996).
    Hugh Tait, Venezianisches Glas (Dortmund 1979).
    Kapitel Dreizehn
Von London nach Marrakesch
    Jack d’Amico, The Moor in English Renaissance drama (Tampa 1992).
    Kim F. Hall, «Othello and the problem of blackness», in: Richard Dutton und Jean E. Howard (Hg.), A Companion to
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