The Game
five-bedroom house in Chinatown and held pickup seminars in their living room, giving birth to Project San Francisco.
Several college students in Perth, Australia, found a house together andstarted Project Perth, approaching one hundred women in their first three days on campus.
And four PUAs Mystery and I had trained in Sydney rented a beach apartment with an elevator that opened directly into a club below them. This was Project Sydney.
Nobody had understood the potential of this whole pickup community, the bonding power of dudes talking about chicks. We had manicures, we had mansions, and we had game. We were ready to infect the world like a disease.
In my first month at Project Hollywood, entirely by accident, my sexual reality burst open. Just as Mystery’s first workshop had opened my eyes to what was possible in a bar, this latest turn of events opened my eyes to what was possible in bed.
And it all happened because Herbal wouldn’t let me sleep—for a week straight.
“Have you ever heard of a sleep diet?” Herbal asked as we sat at Mel’s Diner one morning. “I discovered it on the Internet.”
In his free time, Herbal discovered a lot of things on the Internet: a limousine on eBay he wanted to get for the house, dirt-cheap 1,000-threadcount sheets for our beds, a new and better way to fold shirts, and a business that sold penguins as pets (though when he ordered a penguin for the house, he learned that it was a joke website).
“Basically,” he continued, “it’s a way to train your body to survive on just two hours of sleep a day.”
“How is that?”
“They did scientific research, and instead of sleeping for eight hours every night, what you do is nap for twenty minutes every four hours.”
I was tempted. Having six extra hours in the day would give me time to write more, play more, read more, exercise more, go out more, and learn all the other PUA skills I never had time to.
“Is there a catch?”
“Well,” Herbal said. “It takes about ten days to adjust to the schedule. And it’s not easy. But once you make it over the hump, the naps become totally natural. People say they have more energy, though they also find themselves wanting to drink a lot of juice for some reason.”
Just like when Marko suggested driving to Moldova, I didn’t hesitate to say yes. I had nothing to lose if it didn’t work, except ten days of sleep.
We stocked up on video games and DVDs, and instructed our housemates to help keep us disciplined. Oversleeping or missing even one nap would throw off the entire experiment, and we’d have to start over. As an extra incentive to stay awake, I invited girls to the house each day.
I was seeing about ten different girls now. They were what the PUAs call MLTRs—multiple long-term relationships. Unlike AFCs, I never lied to these girls. They all knew I was seeing other people. And, to my surprise, even if it didn’t make all of them happy, none of them left me. One of the most important realizations I’d had in the game came from a Huna selfimprovement book that Ross Jeffries had recommended, Mastering Your Hidden Self. It taught me the idea that, “The world is what you think it is.” In other words, if you believe that you need to have a harem and having a harem is normal, women will agree to it. It’s simply your reality. However, if you want a harem but secretly feel that it’s cheating and unethical, you’ll never have one.
The only woman who wasn’t entirely comfortable with this arrangement was a short, curvy, effervescent Spanish girl named Isabel, who had a habit of twitching her nose like a rat in search of cheese. “I only sleep with one person at a time,” she constantly told me. “And I wish you’d do the same.”
On the fourth day of the sleep experiment, I invited Hea, the indierocker I’d met at Highlands, over to keep me awake. She was tiny, like a Chihuahua, and wore large black spectacles. Yet there was something profoundly sexy about her, as if she were just one glass slipper away from becoming a princess. Potential for beauty is as attractive to most men as actual beauty. When women go out with their hair, makeup, nails, and clothing meticulously arranged, it’s equally for the benefit of other women. Men, though they certainly enjoy it, don’t require fashion-magazine grooming from a stranger: We have active imaginations. We are constantly stripping every woman naked as well as dressing her up to see if she meets our
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