The Complete Aristotle (eng.)
once more before the law-court, and the decision of the jury stands
as the final judgement.
The Council also inspects the horses belonging to the state. If
a man who has a good horse is found to keep it in bad condition, he
is mulcted in his allowance of corn; while those which cannot keep
up or which shy and will not stand steady, it brands with a wheel
on the jaw, and the horse so marked is disqualified for service. It
also inspects those who appear to be fit for service as scouts, and
any one whom it rejects is deprived of his horse. It also examines
the infantry who serve among the cavalry, and any one whom it
rejects ceases to receive his pay. The roll of the cavalry is drawn
up by the Commissioners of Enrolment (Catalogeis), ten in number,
elected by the Assembly by open vote. They hand over to the
Hipparchs and Phylarchs the list of those whom they have enrolled,
and these officers take it and bring it up before the Council, and
there open the sealed tablet containing the names of the cavalry.
If any of those who have been on the roll previously make affidavit
that they are physically incapable of cavalry service, they strike
them out; then they call up the persons newly enrolled, and if any
one makes affidavit that he is either physically or pecuniarily
incapable of cavalry service they dismiss him, but if no such
affidavit is made the Council vote whether the individual in
question is suitable for the purpose or not. If they vote in the
affirmative his name is entered on the tablet; if not, he is
dismissed with the others.
Formerly the Council used to decide on the plans for public
buildings and the contract for making the robe of Athena; but now
this work is done by a jury in the law-courts appointed by lot,
since the Council was considered to have shown favouritism in its
decisions. The Council also shares with the Military Treasurer the
superintendence of the manufacture of the images of Victory and the
prizes at the Panathenaic festival.
The Council also examines infirm paupers; for there is a law
which provides that persons possessing less than three minas, who
are so crippled as to be unable to do any work, are, after
examination by the Council, to receive two obols a day from the
state for their support. A treasurer is appointed by lot to attend
to them.
The Council also, speaking broadly, cooperates in most of the
duties of all the other magistrates; and this ends the list of the
functions of that body.
There are ten Commissioners for Repairs of Temples, elected by
lot, who receive a sum of thirty minas from the Receivers-General,
and therewith carry out the most necessary repairs in the
There are also ten City Commissioners (Astynomi), of whom five
hold office in Piraeus and five in the city. Their duty is to see
that female flute-and harp-and lute-players are not hired at more
than two drachmas, and if more than one person is anxious to hire
the same girl, they cast lots and hire her out to the person to
whom the lot falls. They also provide that no collector of sewage
shall shoot any of his sewage within ten stradia of the walls; they
prevent people from blocking up the streets by building, or
stretching barriers across them, or making drain-pipes in mid-air
with a discharge into the street, or having doors which open
outwards; they also remove the corpses of those who die in the
streets, for which purpose they have a body of state slaves
assigned to them.
Market Commissioners (Agoranomi) are elected by lot, five for
Piraeus, five for the city. Their statutory duty is to see that all
articles offered for sale in the market are pure and
Commissioners of Weights and Measures (Metronomi) are elected by
lot, five for the city, and five for Piraeus. They see that sellers
use fair weights and measures.
Formerly there were ten Corn Commissioners (Sitophylaces),
elected by lot, five for Piraeus, and five for the city; but now
there are twenty for the city and fifteen for Piraeus. Their duties
are, first, to see that the unprepared corn in the market is
offered for sale at reasonable prices, and secondly, to see that
the millers sell barley meal at a price proportionate to that of
barley, and that the bakers sell their loaves at a price
proportionate to that of wheat, and of such weight as the
Commissioners may appoint; for the law requires them to fix the
standard weight.
There are ten Superintendents of the Mart, elected by lot, whose
duty is to
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