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Titel: Bullheaded Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Catt Ford
Vom Netzwerk:
made Cody notice Chris had an issue with him. In a moment, he realized Chris was jealous, maybe not of Johnny’s ability, but of his youth. It was an emotion he could relate to, and he didn’t admire it about himself. It was probably why he wanted to dodge Bobby Blue and Zane.
    Vern caught sight of Cody and nodded at him. Johnny looked around, and when their gazes met it was another of those moments fraught with fear and suspense for Cody. He couldn’t exactly read Johnny’s expression, but he knew something was going on for him.
    Johnny turned to say something he couldn’t hear, and then Chris, Vern, and Reese continued on out into the parking lot.
    “Hey, Cody, good ride tonight,” Vern said as he passed him.
    “Keep it going, Cody, any score is a good score,” Reese acknowledged.
    Chris still looked apologetic as he passed by. “Sorry about that, still a little slow on my feet.”
    “Thanks, guys.” Cody waited until the outer door clanged shut and went to Johnny. He had a strong notion Johnny wasn’t going to come to him.
    “Can we talk?”
    “Sure, but let’s go somewhere where we have to keep our clothes on.”
    Cody grunted acknowledgement. “There’s a place—”
    “Let’s just walk,” Johnny interrupted.
    “Okay.” Cody jammed his hands into his pockets. He wanted to touch Johnny so bad, but using the fire of their attraction would derail this, and besides, it hadn’t worked last time. He knew he could get Johnny in his bed tonight, but he needed more than just a physical connection.
    Once outside under the dark evening sky, Cody started. “You know how I like to win. I don’t care how much broken glass I have to crawl over to get to that buckle. Even though I’ve won before, it’s like the first time each time. Then I realized I should have done it for you.”
    “Yeah, I can agree with that.”
    “Want to go to a bar?”
    Johnny shook his head. “Not really.”
    “Don’t really want to talk about this in public.”
    “My room? We can order something.”
    “I can’t stay long. I’m riding with Vern and we’re pulling out early for Boise.”
    “Just to talk.”
    They walked in silence to Cody’s hotel and stood propped on opposite walls in the elevator, not looking at each other. At least, Johnny wasn’t when Cody snuck a glance at him in the mirror.
    His heart was pounding as they walked down the hall. He was trying to think of what to say, what words could possibly make Johnny come back.
    He slid the card key and the door opened. Once it closed behind them, Cody found himself pressed against the door, being ruthlessly kissed. Hands were unbuttoning his shirt and then slipping inside, fever hot against his skin. Cody slid his hands under the T-shirt, running them up Johnny’s back and shoulders, feeling the angular plane of bone and muscle.
    They were struggling against each other, trying to get closer, kiss deeper, and Cody pushed himself off the door to take a step toward the bed. Johnny staggered, off-balance from the move. They stumbled into the coffee table, knocking over a silk plant, rebounded off the TV stand, and crashed into the desk. Cody pushed Johnny up onto the desk, bending him back as they continued the kiss, his tongue plunging deeply.
    Still kissing, Johnny pushed Cody away and walked him backward toward the bed. They caromed off the nightstand and fell onto the bed together. Their legs tangled and they rolled around in a fog of desire. Johnny’s T-shirt was rucked up under his arms and Cody’s was pulled out of his pants, but they couldn’t let go long enough get them off.
    Cody broke away with a moan and dove to suck at Johnny’s nipple, causing him to arch up and groan. One of Johnny’s hands dropped to the bulge in Cody’s pants and pressed it, squeezing lightly. Cody bit down and jerked his hips into Johnny’s hand.
    Johnny uttered a sound somewhere between a moan and a laugh. “Fuck, you are such a good kisser.”
    “I’m biting,” Cody murmured into Johnny’s skin.
    “Don’t stop,” Johnny mumbled back, hands fumbling with the fastening of Cody’s jeans. “I’ll get this open one of these years.”
    “Let’s get naked, baby.” They had to part to deal with their boots and belts.
    Watching Johnny take off his shirt was like waiting for the gate to open. Cody could barely control himself. Johnny knelt on the bed, his bulge outlined clearly under his white jocks, his stomach taut and defined as he yanked

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