Foundation 08: Foundation
friedliche Künstler, Philosophen und Anthropologen,
sondern messianische Fanatiker und aggressive Fundamentalisten, die
darauf erpicht sind, einander und die ganze Welt zu vernichten, wenn
ihnen dies als nötig erscheint, nur um ihren Beweis zu
(1) Alden, John R. A Reconstruction of Toltec Period Political
Units in the Valley of Mexico (in: Renfrew & Cooke)
(2) Bellman, Richard, Mathematics in the Field of History (in: Renfrew & Cooke)
(3) Calder, Nigel, Timescale (Viking, 1983)
(4) Colinvaux, Paul, The Fates of Nations: A Biological Theory
of History (Simon & Schuster, 1980)
(5) Dewey, Edward & Edwin Dakin, Cycles (Henry Holt
& Co. 1950)
(6) Doxiadis, Constantinos A. Ekistics. An Introduction to the
Science of Human Settlements (Oxford Univ. Press, 1968)
(7) Flannery, Kent, The Cultural Evolution of Civilizations (1972)
(8) Forrester, Jay W. A Great Depression Ahead?, in:
»The Futuriste« (Dec. 1978)
(9) Harris, Marvin, Cultural Materialism (Vintage Books,
(10) Hamblin, Robert, R. Brooke Jacobsen & Jerry L. L. Miller, A Mathematical Theory of Social Change (Wiley, 1973)
(11) Hammond, R. & P. S. McCullagh, Quantitative Techniques
in Geograph/(Clarendon Press, 1978)
(12) Huff, Darrell, Cycles in Your Life (Norton, 1969)
(13) Isaak, Alan C, Scope and Methods of Political Science (Dorsey, 1975)
(14) Jackman, Robert W. The Predictability of Coups
d’État, in: »Am. Pol. Sci. Rev.«, Bd. 72,
Nr. 4 (Dec. 1978)
(15) Klausner, Samuel Z. (Hrsg.), The Study of Total Societies (Praeger, 1967)
(16) Lee, J. S. The Periodic Recurrence of Internecine Wars in
China, in: »The China Journal«, 14/3 (March 1931), S.
111-115 & 159-162
(17) Malthus, Thomas R. Mathematics of Population and Food, in: The World of Mathematics, Bd. 3, hrsg. von James R.
Newman (Simon & Schuster, 1956)
(18) Miller, James, Living Systems (McGraw-Hill, 1978)
(19) Pitts, Forrest R. A Graphtheoretic Approach to Historical
Geography, in: »The Professional Geographer«, Bd. 17
Nr. 5 (8. Sept. 1965), S. 15-20
(20) Plattner, Stuart, Rural Market Networks, in:
»Scientific American« (May 1975)
(21) Rashevsky, Nicholas, Looking at History through
Mathematics (MIT Press, 1968)
(22) Renfrew, Colin & Kenneth Cooke (Hrsg.), Transformations: Mathematical Approaches to Cultural Change (Academic Press, 1979)
(23) Renfrew, Colin & Eric V. Level, Predicting Politics
from Centers (in: Renfrew & Cooke).
(24) Richardson, Lewis Frey, The Distribution of Wars in Time, in: »J. Royal Stat. Soc«, Bd. 107, Teile 3-4, Ser. B.
(1944), S. 242-250
(25) Richardson, Lewis Frey, Mathematics of War and Foreign
Politics, und Statistics of Deadly Quarrels, beide in: The World of Mathematics, Bd. 3. hrsg. von James R. Newman
(Simon & Schuster, 1956)
(26) Shewhart, Walter F. The Economic Control of Quality of
Manufactured Product (Van Nostrand, 1931)
(27) Singer, J. David (Hrsg.), Quantitative International
Politics (Free Press, 1968)
(28) Singer, J. David & Melvin Small, The Wage of
War (Wiley, 1972)
(29) von Bertalanffy, Ludwig, General System Theory (C.
Braziller, 1968)
(30) Warsh, David, The Idea of Economic Complexity (Viking,
(31) Woodcock, Alexander & Monte Davis, Catastrophe Theory (Avon, 1978)
(32) Wheeler, Raymond H. War: 599 B. C. – 1950 A. D. (Foundation for the Study of Cycles, 1951)
(33) Zeeman, E. C, A Geometrical Model of Ideologies (in:
Renfrew & Cooke)
(gemeint sind Artikel aus dem Magazin ANALOG – SCIENCE
(1) Easton, Thomas A. Altruism, Evolution, and Society (Okt. 1976)
(2) Freitas, Robert A. A General Theory of Living Systems (März 1980)
(3) Henson, H. Keith, Memetics and the Modular Mind: Modeling
the Development of Social Movements (Aug. 1987)
(4) Schmidt, Stanley, Pendulums (Sept. 1985)
(5) Schmidt, Stanley, The Memetic Menace (Aug. 1987)
(6) Silbar, Margaret, Born-Again Ideas (Juni 1984)
(7) Stine, G. Harry, Neglected Technology (Sep. 1979)
(8) Stine, G. Harry, The Coanda Effect (Juli 1984)
(9) Thomas, Ted. The Twenty Lost Years of Solid State Physics (März 1965)
Originaltitel: ›An Introduction To
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