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Titel: Willpower Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Roy F. Baumeister
Vom Netzwerk:
Karr: Details and quotations are from her books, Lit: A Memoir (New York: HarperCollins, 2009) and The Liars’ Club (New York: Viking Penguin, 1995).
    172 the fallacy of comparing alcoholism to physical diseases: Noted by multiple authors, including a particularly vivid version in J. A. Schaler, Addiction Is a Choice (Chicago, IL: Open Court/Carus, 2000).
    172 some evidence that AA works: For a review of theoretical and empirical obstacles to drawing firm conclusions, as well as evidence for benefits of attending AA meetings, see J. McKellar, E. Stewart, and K. Humphreys, “Alcoholics Anonymous Involvement and Positive Alcohol-Related Outcomes: Cause, Consequence, or Just a Correlate? A Prospective 2-Year Study of 2,319 Alcohol-Dependent Men,” Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 71 (2003): 302–8.
    173 Project MATCH: Has been discussed extensively in many writings. See coverage by J. A. Schaler, Addiction Is a Choice (Chicago, IL: Open Court/Carus: 2000). Also see G. M. Heyman, Addiction: A Disorder of Choice (Cambridge, MA: Harvard, 2009).
    174 desire for peer approval is often what got them in trouble : C. D. Rawn and K. D. Vohs, “People Use Self-Control to Risk Personal Harm: An Intra-personal Dilemma,” Personality and Social Psychology Review (in press) .
    175 One of the newest and most ambitious alcoholism studies: This study by lead investigator Carlo DiClemente is currently being prepared for publication. Baumeister served as consultant on the grant and this material is from his discussions with the researchers regarding the project in progress.
    176 history of drinking in America and the “barbecue law”: See W. J. Rorabaugh, The Alcoholic Republic: An American Tradition (New York: Oxford University Press, 1979).
    177 Resolutions more kept if made in presence of others, especially lovers: This also emerged from the DiClemente-led study of alcoholics in Baltimore (see note above).
    177 Chilean street vendors: F. Kast, S. Meier, and D. Pomeranz. “Under-Savers Anonymous: Evidence on Self-Help Groups and Peer Pressure as a Savings Commitment Device,” working paper, November 2010.
    178 self-control is contagious: On smoking, see N. A. Christakis and J. H. Fowler, “The Collective Dynamics of Smoking in a Large Social Network,” New England Journal of Medicine 358 (2008): 2249–58. For obesity, see N. A. Christakis and J. H. Fowler, “The Spread of Obesity in a Large Social Network over 32 Years,” New England Journal of Medicine 357 (2007): 370–79; and E. Cohen-Cole and J. M. Fletcher, “Is Obesity Contagious: Social Networks vs. Environmental Factors in the Obesity Epidemic,” Journal of Health Economics 27 (2008): 1382–87.
    179 on religion and longevity: M. E. McCullough, W. T. Hoyt, D. B. Larson, H. G. Koenig, and C. E. Thoresen, “Religious Involvement and Mortality: A Meta-Analytic Review,” Health Psychology 19 (2000): 211–22.
    179 overview of religion and self-control: M. R. McCullough and B. L. B. Willoughby, “Religion, Self-Regulation, and Self-Control: Associations, Explanations, and Implications,” Psychological Bulletin 135 (2009): 69–93.
    180 Meditation activates the same brain centers used for self-regulation : J. A. Brefczynski-Lewis, A. Lutz, H. S. Schaefer, D. B. Levinson, and R. J. Davidson, “Neural Correlates of Attentional Expertise in Long-Term Meditation Practitioners,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104, no. 27 (2007): 11483–88.
    180 subliminal exposure to religious words: A. Fishbach, R. S. Friedman, and A. W. Kruglanski, “Leading Us Not into Temptation: Momentary Allurements Elicit Overriding Goal Activation,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 84, no. 2 (2003): 296–309, http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/0022-3514.84.2.296 .
    180 “anaerobic workout for self-control”: J. Tierney, “For Good Self-Control, Try Getting Religious About It,” New York Times, December 30, 2008.
    181 study with photograph of pope: M. W. Baldwin, S. E. Carrell, and D. F. Lopez, “Priming Relationship Schemas: My Advisor and the Pope Are Watching Me from the Back of My Mind,” Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 26 (1990): 435–54.
    183 Bright Lines and “hyperbolic discounting”: G. Ainslie, Breakdown of Will (New York: Cambridge University Press, (2001).

    187 Deborah Carroll and the Paul family: Details and quotations from Carroll and the Pauls are drawn from interviews; from “The

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